1,2,3,4,5% How much do you make a week

Jonny T

I trade stocks such as EBAY, QCOM, MXIM, YHOO etc. etc. etc - "big" stocks with big daily volume.

As yet I am not trading big size and consequently get no problems with fills.

You are undoubtedly more experienced in this game than me so could you ( or anyone else ) please advise me, IN GENERAL, at approximately what size of position I might start running into "fill" problems - or where a fill becomes a real issue and has to be carefully considered - bearing in mind the types of stocks that I trade and intend to continue to trade in the future.
No problem with 1000 ever. On very choppy days when I'm scalping for small moves a 2000 order long gets filled within 1-2 seconds, slightly more on shorts with a limit below market.
I trained someone who only scalps the big internets and she trades in larger size than that, no problem.
In much smaller stocks you might not get a complete fill for 1000, depending on order type.
Obviously the more liquid the stock the better the large order fills.Start doing it on less liquid stocks and you need to work your orders.Thats where a platform like lightspeed takes over.On very liquid stocks the fills were about 0.5 sec

If you're a Nasdaq scalper that's the best platform i've ever used for trading large size.ie trading in 1000's of shares at a time.
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