How do you define a trend? And....

I've been at it well over 30 years, Joe, and still got a smile on my face 🙂

Perhaps you were a lucky baby. You smiled, the wind blew, and you got stuck that way.

As for your trading, I have nothing to see. So nothing is conclusive. Perhaps you'd like call out some trades in the live trade thread, or do the forum contest, or go spank a bucketshop. Otherwise there's not much of an impression for anything. Not that you have to provide an impression. But it would help with the conversation. Without that, it's like you coming to me saying: Hey, I can do this. Would my expected response be: Well done big boy ? Such a conversation would be a bit dry.
Perhaps you were a lucky baby. You smiled, the wind blew, and you got stuck that way.

As for your trading, I have nothing to see. So nothing is conclusive. Perhaps you'd like call out some trades in the live trade thread, or do the forum contest, or go spank a bucketshop. Otherwise there's not much of an impression for anything. Not that you have to provide an impression. But it would help with the conversation. Without that, it's like you coming to me saying: Hey, I can do this. Would my expected response be: Well done big boy ? Such a conversation would be a bit dry.

I couldn't really give a tupenny cuss what you think, Joe, nor do I feel even the slightest need to prove myself to you or anyone else. If you trade with absolute certainty of what price is going to do, then good for you. I can't and don't, so I just make an assumption about what it's going to do and live by that.
I couldn't really give a tupenny cuss what you think, Joe, nor do I feel even the slightest need to prove myself to you or anyone else. If you trade with absolute certainty of what price is going to do, then good for you. I can't and don't, so I just make an assumption about what it's going to do and live by that.

I am working on a strategy where it isn't necessary to know in the majority part what the price is going to do. Knowing with absolute certainty that I don't need to know minimises the element of gambling. It is true no one has to prove anything to anyone. But some choose to do so. As I didn't know which camp you fall into, so I asked. With your preference now known, I see no reason to ask again. When discussing the merit of different methods, it's within reason to seek a demonstration. Equally, it's within reason to reject such an approach. If the discussion wasn't there in the first place, there's would be neither need for a demonstration nor a need for rejection. Trade what one can afford to loose, or wait for a more favourable trade. Conversation is just another form of trading, or maybe I think about trading too much. 👍
I do not think trading is only about take a position and do the best to manage it.

Myself I hate to trade that way, is a bit like hoping, relying on something else to happen.

I consider that the conventional way of trading, anyway there is only three ways the market can go after we initiate a position: down, up or noway, so what ever decision we make we have 33 % chance to get it right.

With a SL of 50 pips, you can get it right even if you get it wrong in the first instance, because the market conditions changes from session to session and we can be lucky, that for me is gambling. I could be wrong...

I think there are others way of trading, not conventional which are related only to the individual personal engagement with the market in which we do not have to guess, but only based on the level of your skills accumulated with the experience and being able discarding the BS as Splitlink mentioned in his post.
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Myself I hate to trade that way, is a bit like hoping, relying on something else to happen.

You make it sound as if you can command it to happen. Like the rain out side, you have no control. Doing a rain dance would be very impressive. But it improves your chance not a bit.
You make it sound as if you can command it to happen. Like the rain out side, you have no control. Doing a rain dance would be very impressive. But it improves your chance not a bit.

Lol, Joe you are a funny guy, I am enjoying your posts even when you want to see a statement.🙂

I am not saying that you can control the market, but you can sharpen your edge quite considerably.😉
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but you can sharpen your edge quite considerably.😉

Well if you post up statements over time, I will be able to see if your edge is sharpening or getting dull. But I reckon you just got lucky with a few recent trades and start to think you have it in control.

You already admit you have no control over the market, then to think somehow you can sharpen against something you cannot predict is not very logical. I think this is dangerous thinking and will likely to get you into trouble. The nature of the market is its unpredictability. The moment you think you can predict it, you are going to trip. I suggest reduced bet sizes for the next month until you calm down.
Well if you post up statements over time, I will be able to see if your edge is sharpening or getting dull. But I reckon you just got lucky with a few recent trades and start to think you have it in control.

You already admit you have no control over the market, then to think somehow you can sharpen against something you cannot predict is not very logical. I think this is dangerous thinking and will likely to get you into trouble. The nature of the market is its unpredictability. The moment you think you can predict it, you are going to trip. I suggest reduced bet sizes for the next month until you calm down.

Ok, I belevie you, not need to show me a statement. LOL.
Hi all,

I'd like to say that i'm still disappointed but yet not surprised. This happens all too often, someone asks a very valid question, for one that will help this forum and those many others that read it and yet it quickly falls into arguments, difference of opinions and becomes edging on personal. This benefits no one.

More often than not (and one can usually tell) there are posts by those new traders who have had it 'lucky' for a few months or days posting that they know all and this is the way to do it etc. Others will have a bad negative attitude as they have had loss after loss and cant understand it, their perception very quickly becomes 'if I cant do it then you cant either, if you can prove it to me'. This is all very destructive to all and would solve nor prove anything.

The whole part of this forum is a for like minded people, new or old,rich or poor and successful or not - the main ingredient is smart work and effort. Surely everyone would do far better teaming up with those that really want to learn and do the basics first, ie paper trade systems, trading abilities, graphs, trendlines....the list goes on....until that moment where you find something that works for you and your team.

Lets understand for a moment that trading houses, big firms, banks and insurance brokerages, in fact every man and his dog that has a hand in the market has major influence. The big players alone have scores of people constantly researching to build a bigger picture for their fat bonus's. So....How would an individual expect to compete. This is more prudent if one has other commitments during the day. So a team is a big help to research the major important stuff that one person could not manage, It also provides much needed support.

As many people (long term including the mods) on here will know (and those that know of me and have met me in person) that I operate in a small close knit team and we research trades, momentum, fundamentals and technicals. We are all trained in all but we are certainly not jack of all trades. We will take in turns to research different (and quite often the same) instruments to look for the same result, that is the market direction. If we all agree then the only discussion is risk management, entry and exit points and a working strategy for the planned trade, all the work goes into the trade before hand, not after. Clicking the mouse is the easy part.
It only ever goes one of 2 ways, it should be 50-50 (minus the spread/commissions) so keeping just a little behind the big guys and a few steps in front of the guy on the streets shouldn't prove too difficult, it doesn't have to be nor should it be this way. Naturally this is evident in ones own bank at the end of each month.

I am calling out for anyone that wants to join me/us in our constant and ongoing strive to keep succeeding.

I am not a vendor nor propose to become one.
I do not charge

I do however expect:
Hard work and commitment, even if its only a few hours per day that one could spare.
That you have a certain basic understanding of the markets - ie, we don't wish to train newbies or allow anyone to purposely 'piggy back' our trades.
We don't wish for people that have bad habits nor those that wont listen nor willing to change - we've had this many times in the past and those people disappear never to be heard of again (or pop up under a different name).
The trades must be Uk equities, FTSE 100, DJIA, S&P500, DAX 30 only.

I am who I say I am and remain to this day extremely transparent in what I do. If you wish to trade with me and help me with research as well as paper trading, live trading , it doesn't matter to me - then I can be contacted on my skype address lee.shepherd30 or see my profile page. Please note that you must have a mic, we don't type whilst in trades as it takes too long and errors can be plentiful this way.

If you've bothered to read this post in full then your closer than you think to making money. It takes a lot of screen time in this game.

Have a great weekend,

Lee Shepherd
I am who I say I am and remain to this day extremely transparent in what I do.

A trading statement will be helpful. Otherwise anyone can say they can do this or they can do that, when in fact not really. If a genuine statement shows you know what you are doing, I will be happy to join you to add momentum towards your target and divi out the benefits. If I join you blindly on your say so, I would be no better than a mule - a tool to do work work first and get slaughtered for meat afterwards.

I am very curious of your view on paper trading. How realistic is it compared to real trading ? Does success in paper trading guarantee profit in real trading ?
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Hi all,

I'd like to say that i'm still disappointed but yet not surprised. This happens all too often, someone asks a very valid question, for one that will help this forum and those many others that read it and yet it quickly falls into arguments, difference of opinions and becomes edging on personal. This benefits no one.

More often than not (and one can usually tell) there are posts by those new traders who have had it 'lucky' for a few months or days posting that they know all and this is the way to do it etc. Others will have a bad negative attitude as they have had loss after loss and cant understand it, their perception very quickly becomes 'if I cant do it then you cant either, if you can prove it to me'. This is all very destructive to all and would solve nor prove anything.

The whole part of this forum is a for like minded people, new or old,rich or poor and successful or not - the main ingredient is smart work and effort. Surely everyone would do far better teaming up with those that really want to learn and do the basics first, ie paper trade systems, trading abilities, graphs, trendlines....the list goes on....until that moment where you find something that works for you and your team.

Lets understand for a moment that trading houses, big firms, banks and insurance brokerages, in fact every man and his dog that has a hand in the market has major influence. The big players alone have scores of people constantly researching to build a bigger picture for their fat bonus's. So....How would an individual expect to compete. This is more prudent if one has other commitments during the day. So a team is a big help to research the major important stuff that one person could not manage, It also provides much needed support.

As many people (long term including the mods) on here will know (and those that know of me and have met me in person) that I operate in a small close knit team and we research trades, momentum, fundamentals and technicals. We are all trained in all but we are certainly not jack of all trades. We will take in turns to research different (and quite often the same) instruments to look for the same result, that is the market direction. If we all agree then the only discussion is risk management, entry and exit points and a working strategy for the planned trade, all the work goes into the trade before hand, not after. Clicking the mouse is the easy part.
It only ever goes one of 2 ways, it should be 50-50 (minus the spread/commissions) so keeping just a little behind the big guys and a few steps in front of the guy on the streets shouldn't prove too difficult, it doesn't have to be nor should it be this way. Naturally this is evident in ones own bank at the end of each month.

I am calling out for anyone that wants to join me/us in our constant and ongoing strive to keep succeeding.

I am not a vendor nor propose to become one.
I do not charge

I do however expect:
Hard work and commitment, even if its only a few hours per day that one could spare.
That you have a certain basic understanding of the markets - ie, we don't wish to train newbies or allow anyone to purposely 'piggy back' our trades.
We don't wish for people that have bad habits nor those that wont listen nor willing to change - we've had this many times in the past and those people disappear never to be heard of again (or pop up under a different name).
The trades must be Uk equities, FTSE 100, DJIA, S&P500, DAX 30 only.

I am who I say I am and remain to this day extremely transparent in what I do. If you wish to trade with me and help me with research as well as paper trading, live trading , it doesn't matter to me - then I can be contacted on my skype address lee.shepherd30 or see my profile page. Please note that you must have a mic, we don't type whilst in trades as it takes too long and errors can be plentiful this way.

If you've bothered to read this post in full then your closer than you think to making money. It takes a lot of screen time in this game.

Have a great weekend,

Lee Shepherd

Good post. More of this type please so we can expand.
A trading statement will be helpful.

Joe, I do not want to be rude but I think you are getting a bit repetitive here, not funny anymore. What do you think?

Personally I am interested in what other people perception is about trading which is what I do and I think if we let them express themselves very interesting things will come out. Just a thought... I hope you don't mind.
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Joe, I do not want to be rude but I think you are getting a bit repetitive here, not funny anymore. What do you think?

Personally I am interested in what other people perception is about trading which is what I do and I think if we let them express themselves very interesting things will come out. Just a thought... I hope you don't mind.


Mike is right here. Joe, without seeming off putting and please don't take this the wrong way but I can tell by the nature of your posts that we would not make a good team. Thank you for your offer to join but I would not like us to become bad friends if you understand what I'm getting at here.

I will not release statements here, its not about that (if you wish to review my previous trading diaries please search for them on line, there are plenty of them including bank statements and trading history etc, I believe that many old friends on here will remember these as well.

Its nothing about being slaughtered, like I stated one can simply paper trade if they wish to do so. In reality paper trading (if kept accurate by the trader) would be and should be no different,(the prices are the same) the usual things that change here are ones own perceptions when in a live trade, chopping out early and taking heavy losses etc is the most common. In short, Risk:reward and money management are key.


Lee Shepherd
If somebody would like to explain how best they take advantage of the trend once determined, I think that will be a plus.
If somebody would like to explain how best they take advantage of the trend once determined, I think that will be a plus.

Here we go, this it is my contribution to the idea, trade made the 13/6, part of my journal:


  • 13-6 1 copy.png
    13-6 1 copy.png
    28.1 KB · Views: 327
If somebody would like to explain how best they take advantage of the trend once determined, I think that will be a plus.

Go long/short if it's going up/down!

Not much else to it, really. The rest is picking the right spot, and the right moment.

@Shepherd: I'm not quite sure what you're trying to get at. Telling Joe to keep looking at his screen is literally the only thing he can do to improve. You need screentime in this game; that's a fact.

As for the offer, I'd have to decline since doing that kind of research isn't my style. Thanks, though.
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Go long/short if it's going up/down!

Not much else to it, really. The rest is picking the right spot, and the right moment.

@Shepherd: I'm not quite sure what you're trying to get at. Telling Joe to keep looking at his screen is literally the only thing he can do to improve. You need screentime in this game; that's a fact.

As for the offer, I'd have to decline since doing that kind of research isn't my style. Thanks, though.

How do you find the right spot? Do you have any pics of past trades?
I am aware that when I take money home, I am not taken money out of the market but I am taken money out of people that know less than I do or less educated in the trading field.

This is not true.

These markets are used for many purposes. Directional outright trading is only one of them.

When you take money from the market, the other side could have been:

- Someone changing money for their holidays
- Someone whose loss is offset by the win on the other side of an arbitrage trade
- Someone hedging for business purposes

It's not always Grandma's savings you are stealing, Mike... Or at least, that's the way I like to look @ it... 😆
@Mike: I'll post a pic later, sure. I'm on my iPad right now.

@Toast: I think of it as crushing the skulls of my slain enemies to reap their treasure and women. They knew what game they were playing beforehand!