That is unbelievable.
Looks like Bashir is marketing now.
I'll bet the system is fantastic.
yeah i am a market sale pro now
😆 Just kidding
Truth be told, i was getting way to many
people asking me how i do this and how i do that,spending like
1 hour and 30min everyday just answering emails, and my new system is based
on volume profile and priceaction and its not something i could just write down and
explain on a piece of paper, so had to make a some sort of a video course for it and
explain it in detalje,it took me a solid 9 hours to do that,spoon feeding at its best
Its there for those who want it, and putting a price on it keeps the emails
to a low level and i dont have to fight for the fills either, since i know it wont be
a gold rush to get it
😉 Its a good deal for me, and i like it that way. Havent really bothered to market it in any way, its mostly friends who tell friends.
Anyways, about time to get ready for trading, incase those still reading the
thread, i am still showing my priceladder live on my site(ES), its free and open to everone, also added a small chat below the live video stream so you can talk to others there to, i am only there in lunch when i get time. We only trade the ES btw
the live video stream is on the
live trading calls page, i give entry,target and stops
and some market commentary, so feel free to plugg in
All is welcome, just 1 rule, keep it sivil