Here is the way i daytrade the Emini-YM

I usualy do around 4-5 trades like these and end up with around 150+- to 350+- all depenidng on if i only get 2 targets and scracth the last, i hardly get stopped and those times i do get stopped is cause i dont pay attention to my rules and entrer to early or to late.
Hello all --

I've been going through this thread and I noticed that the rules are changing quite a bit. Does someone have a copy of the latest set of rules that they could post? I've seen numerous sets and I'm not sure which set I should start working with.

Thank you,

Avoiding stupidity is a good move. You need to understand proper trading to be successful.

The most stupid thing you could do in trading would be to buy FAP turbo off some idiot with a one page website that he registered a couple of months ago.
The most stupid thing you could do in trading would be to buy FAP turbo off some idiot with a one page website that he registered a couple of months ago.

in fact, the most stupid thing would be to buy fapturbo, it doesnt matter with whom you buy it.😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😛
In a certain large West African country, the word 'FAP' is a colloquialism for theft!!!

What does that tell you!
I guess there is no need to take our taugths to the extreme. We all do what we can to make a living. Simply, our experience has shown that those programs are useless and will always end up losing money, we know they will always have an explanation but we also know that everything in this world has an explanation, good or bad.
I dont think they are stealing anything, i just consider they are not beeing honest selling those programs, after all if those programs were as good as they claim, why would they be selling it?.
The bad part really goes for those program´s buyers. If they still think that they will become rich overnight and all they have to do is to find the right program to make their dream come true, what thay are doing is to motivate those programmers and their marketting counsellors to keep working.
Everything in this world is a simple game, supply and demand.
There's nothing extreme about most comments about "FAP"turbo here! People are sharing their honest experiences with the FAPping vendors and without exception, it's been one of sophisticated moneyloss, to put it very nicely. The FAPpers are totally unaccountable and almost completely unethical and you're calling people's comments on here 'extreme'...

You're obviously trying to be a voice of calm & reason which is often admirable but not always the required action. People need to heed the very clear warnings in dealing with these guys and basically head in the other direction once there's contact!

They are VERY good at their slick marketing programs and continue to suck in the lesser informed. Stern clear warnings are therefore necessary.