Trading the NQ using simple S/R and minimum of indicators

Hi Bashir,

Would you say this sort of trading is scalable to smaller account sizes?

If you had say $3k, would the trip costs associated make it still feasible to trade sort term, probably with just the 1 contract?

Also, do you have any recommended ways of paper trading the NQ through sc? Does infinity futures provide a paper trading facility?



Yes you can paper trade with Infinity futures, they provide a simulator as well.
If you are trading a small account like 3k, then you should be trading 2 contracts, there is no point in trading 1 contract, regardless of your account size.

1 contract is a sure way to loose money, so u should trade 2 contracts, my friend here is trading 4 contract with 4k , but he got big russian balls 🙂

I hope this answers you questions, if not let me know and i will try to be more spesific.

Bashir Naimy
Hi bnaimy, I looked your other thread but still about NQ. You add 2 more indicators 1000 tick and 10000 volume chart. Why there are additional 2 more indicators or are they just optional. If I don't have 1000 tick what can substitute it. I have 1600 tick in my chart and what do you mean by 10000 volume chart. I don't understang about it and how to set up 10000 volume chart. Thanks for explaining.
Hi bnaimy, I looked your other thread but still about NQ. You add 2 more indicators 1000 tick and 10000 volume chart. Why there are additional 2 more indicators or are they just optional. If I don't have 1000 tick what can substitute it. I have 1600 tick in my chart and what do you mean by 10000 volume chart. I don't understang about it and how to set up 10000 volume chart. Thanks for explaining.

Hi dvonne, i suggest you go to Navig Trading and ready my daytrading method on the site. This is the newest method and the one i have been using for past few months now. And its a combination of everything i have learned.

There is also a link to my trading room on the front page and its free and open to everyone where i talk about the market and give out calls. I also release my monthyl statements everymonth so everyoen can verify the trades and results. Its just something i like to do, just as a personal journal, i also keep a blog there.

Navig Trading

Room is open from Monday to friday,i open the room 20-30mins before market opens.
Entering before that time will not be possible. This fridays its closed as the markets are closed as well.

As for the your charting question, i would need to know what kind of charting program you are using ? WHen you enter ther room you can answer this question again, as i will getting down to the office shortly and get ready for todays session.

Bashir N