Here is the way i daytrade the Emini-YM

Hey chilltrader m8, make sure you dont mention my name, i dont want them to screw it up for me :cheesy:

Cause i know alot of firms would rather disable funtions rather giving it to select customers, transact is using a new datafeed and thats the thing u have trouble connecting to, and alot of people have the same problem, but it prelease so its not officialy supportet, on the 366 and above version they disabled it again.

Just want to make sure of one thing, you dide delete your sierrafolder before installing 364 right?

I seem to have som connection problems today, as i cant connect to the trading server, might be because its the weekend. We will seewhat happens on monday.

Let me know how it works out for you!

With kind regards
bashir Naimy
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A new version is available, with some extra saftynett, will give alot fewer stop outs👍 And will make the trader take fewer trades in sideways bs marked.

Anyone who wants it, send a email to [email protected]
and u will recive a copy. Any viagra spam and i will personaly come over and hunt thou down.And remember, its in your own interest not to spread this to everyone you see, it will only hurt 1 person and that would be yourself, as i can adapt and change it.
But you will keep fighting about fills with the same people you shared it to :whistling

With kindregards
Bashir Naimy
This version i am making is purly done in excel,so there is no code in the pratical sense and is mostly referances from different charts., my private method is done in C++ but that code is not somehting i will be giving out. As that method is very fill sensetive, this methos i am releasing here is working the exactly same way, but this one will give the fills sooner and get into the trade earlyer, that way the two traders will not mess it up for eachother.

I wish i could translate this excel code into c++, but i am tottaly a vegetable with c++.
I can paste the excel code here but that will not make any sense to you (its just a bunch of excel refereances to differentcharts), as it is only makes sense if you have the right order of the charts and so fort.

There should be no need for you to see the code to begin with, if you know c++ then what you need is just the rules and the conditiosn. I can provide it here if you like ?
And you can basicly use those to code it to your platform, i dont know what more ican do for you 😕

If you know how to program ur platform code, then rules and conditions are all you need, its very simple rules and shouldbe easy for you.

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy

Hi Bashir,
I use amibroker and i dont think it uses C++, but i learned basic rules how to code amibroker language, so if i would get the exact rules, i will try to translate.
If you wish you can email me directly the rules and conditions on all charts to mark48588@yahoo dot com
regards mark
Hi Bashir,
I use amibroker and i dont think it uses C++, but i learned basic rules how to code amibroker language, so if i would get the exact rules, i will try to translate.
If you wish you can email me directly the rules and conditions on all charts to mark48588@yahoo dot com
regards mark

Hey mark, sure np.
Give me a hour and ill get it done.

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy
Hey mark, sure np.
Give me a hour and ill get it done.

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy

Hi Bashir. So I replaced existing files with the new one and keep (chart book1)from previous files and I still have 364 Inf. Charts. To see how it works I did chart replay and put show orders on chart but after all day working no BUY SELL orders. I wonder if its working in replay and if it does would it work with 2,3, 4 times faster replay?
I notised you dont use 1 min chart in your (chart book1). is it OK to ad it to this chart book?
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Hey mark, sure np.
Give me a hour and ill get it done.

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy

OK I deleted my 364 version because some updates may not allowing autotreder to work properly and installed one that you send to as. I put last 2 files (ones that you removed) and ‘chart book 1 ‘ from previous files . Now Im getting blue arrows on 3,10,30 min charts and 1 green arrow on 89 and this arrow moves around. Does this set up looks OK to you.
OK I deleted my 364 version because some updates may not allowing autotreder to work properly and installed one that you send to as. I put last 2 files (ones that you removed) and ‘chart book 1 ‘ from previous files . Now Im getting blue arrows on 3,10,30 min charts and 1 green arrow on 89 and this arrow moves around. Does this set up looks OK to you.

Hi Vit, i cant make any sense of what you wrote here,its looks like your are mixing and adding files,old ones with the new ones.I dont what you mean with files i have removed? I have only give you two files with clear instuction on what to do.
Never mix old chartbook with new one, that will just mess up everything.If you use a old chartbook with the new workbook, then the excel code will be confussed and dont know what the referances are.

For this to work do this,and do only this, dont do anything else:

1: Delete your old sierrafolder
2: Install version 364 of sierracharts(use the link and download it)
3: Take those two files i gave you and put it in your datafolder that you find in your sierrachart foler
4: Run sierra and open the chartbook 1
5: And it will start working.

Dont mix files here, that will NOT work. Your old chartbook is not the same as the one i sendt you , if you do that, nothing will work and thats why its not giving you any trades.

If you still have problems, skype me 20mins before marked open and ill see what i can do, but this is really a straight forward thing and should not be a problem.And you can add a 1min chart to the chartbook, but the 1min will not have any funtion, as its not used in the autotrader, you can have the chart there if you want to autotrader will not be affected by itt

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy
Hi Vit, i cant make any sense of what you wrote here,its looks like your are mixing and adding files,old ones with the new ones.I dont what you mean with files i have removed? I have only give you two files with clear instuction on what to do.
Never mix old chartbook with new one, that will just mess up everything.If you use a old chartbook with the new workbook, then the excel code will be confussed and dont know what the referances are.

For this to work do this,and do only this, dont do anything else:

1: Delete your old sierrafolder
2: Install version 364 of sierracharts(use the link and download it)
3: Take those two files i gave you and put it in your datafolder that you find in your sierrachart foler
4: Run sierra and open the chartbook 1
5: And it will start working.

Dont mix files here, that will NOT work. Your old chartbook is not the same as the one i sendt you , if you do that, nothing will work and thats why its not giving you any trades.

If you still have problems, skype me 20mins before marked open and ill see what i can do, but this is really a straight forward thing and should not be a problem.And you can add a 1min chart to the chartbook, but the 1min will not have any funtion, as its not used in the autotrader, you can have the chart there if you want to autotrader will not be affected by itt

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy

Bashir i did all the above and auto trader working now. But Im not shure which ( chart book1) to use .Your last updates had only 2 room files and no chart book.
If possible can you send correct chart book.
Bashir i did all the above and auto trader working now. But Im not shure which ( chart book1) to use .Your last updates had only 2 room files and no chart book.
If possible can you send correct chart book.

Both files are called room, but their extention are not the same, the first one is called
Room.CHT and the second one is called Room.SCWBF

I will resend both files again, but remember that when you go to file and open chartbook, then in thelist u will see the room file, thats your chartbook, its not called chartbook1, but called room.

You are now added to my maillist so any new updates will be sendt directly to you and all those others who mailed me today.

With kind regards
bashir Naimy
Anyone who are interested in the autotrader, please send me a email and you will be a added to my mailing list and new updated will be giving almost weekly or daily depending on how lazy i am.

Email ---> [email protected]

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy
Both files are called room, but their extention are not the same, the first one is called
Room.CHT and the second one is called Room.SCWBF

I will resend both files again, but remember that when you go to file and open chartbook, then in thelist u will see the room file, thats your chartbook, its not called chartbook1, but called room.

You are now added to my maillist so any new updates will be sendt directly to you and all those others who mailed me today.

With kind regards
bashir Naimy

Now its all make cense.
Thanks a lot.
Anyone who are interested in the autotrader, please send me a email and you will be a added to my mailing list and new updated will be giving almost weekly or daily depending on how lazy i am.

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy

Haven't seen your latest version yet, but running the room.cht/scwbf files you posted.
The indicators are there but the settings don't seem to be. At least no settings for session hours, and symbol is YMZ8 still. Doesn't it get saved with the chartbook or have you taken the sessiontimes out again? I can put them in of course but want to be sure i need to or not 😀
Hi Im still using 364 and it connects OK.

Weird (Al Jankovic...;-)

Are you connecting to a live account or demo? Can't connect to the demo here.


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Hi guys now the autotrader is working as it should.

Will give sell signals and buy singals and will go short 2 contracts. Will cover 1 car when +10 is hit then move stop from -20 to -8.

Then it will cover last position when the indicator tells it to.
Scaling out works fine now and so does stops and breakevens.

You need version 364 of sierracharts to use this, and since sierracharts are no longer providing it for some weird reason, i have giving a link right here that will make you able to download it from a fileharing site.
Other versions of sierra will not work, so please dont try it, i have tryed and it does not work. You can ONLY use 364.

Here is the link to the software,please delete your sierrafolder before installing it, otherwise it will not work:

2shared - download SierraChartSetupPrerelease.exe

I have also attached the 4 files you need, copy all of them into your datafolder that you will find in your sierrafolder.And open the naimy chartbook and your are sett to go.
Dont worrie, it will not send the orders to your account, as its SIM ONLY, if you want to activate it you can do so, but its default on SIM.

If any question about the program ask me and i will try to answer😉

I will add more funtions to it as i see it neccessery to improve the tradere.I am working on adding a funtion that will make the program start at 09:40 and activate in a area where there is neither a buy signal or sell signal, so u dont go short or long at the worse possible areas. Then it will stop taking anymore trades after 15:45.

Send email to [email protected] to get a copy

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy

I cannot connect with my Infinity AT demo account using SC v364 either.

Can anyone connect with a live (Infinity AT) account with SC v364?

Bashir - Have you tried your automated method using the latest SC prerelease v366? - I can connect fine using v366.

Thank you Bashir for a very open thread, I sincerely wish you every success.

I cannot connect with my Infinity AT demo account using SC v364 either.

Can anyone connect with a live (Infinity AT) account with SC v364?

Bashir - Have you tried your automated method using the latest SC prerelease v366? - I can connect fine using v366.

Thank you Bashir for a very open thread, I sincerely wish you every success.


Hi Gary, we are working on changing the scaling out code to work with the latest version witch is 367.When its done i will mail it to everybody in the maillist, You need to email me at [email protected] to get new updates.

I think we will have it read by today or tomorow, at the momement i am also working on incorperatin a a scalper into this trader,so that will maximize profits as well.Not sure if u want to add this into this or into my private one, we will see. Still in the prossess of building a scalper that actualy works first.

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy
Haven't seen your latest version yet, but running the room.cht/scwbf files you posted.
The indicators are there but the settings don't seem to be. At least no settings for session hours, and symbol is YMZ8 still. Doesn't it get saved with the chartbook or have you taken the sessiontimes out again? I can put them in of course but want to be sure i need to or not 😀

The session times are more tricky, just having it start at a spesific time will be dangerause, as you have no controll of where it will go long or short.
What if the time is correct and boom it goes short right at the bottom or long at the top.

I have a solution for this, and will have something ready soon.
There will be more info about it when its done.

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy