He's said that the +10 if fixed, it's part of the order you put in, sell at +10/+30.
Once you fill your order, no need to do anything.
If you followed the rules and got in at the proper price, the buy (or sell when bearish) is all you do, exit is automated. Or so it should be if you use a good tradertool.
It makes things easier on the mind when you can just fire-and-forget. If you know the charts say BUY, just buy and don't worry about the outcome. Let the order play out, have a coffee ;-).
Only thing is, Bashir says he doesn't use trailing-stop, so he probably does a manual stop change after the +10 is sold. I only papertrade still, but i use the trailing-stop to move up 14 (to -6) after +10. When price hits +20, stop is moved up 14 again to +8. So even if the +30 is never hit, if +20 is, the second contract is sold at +8.