Guys I'm a commited swing trader, however, I also 'scalp' and so...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Black Swan
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Re: Guys I'm a committed swing trader, however, I also 'scalp' and so...

Also I want the kids to be able to use the new pc and screens if they want, although they've all got lap tops and the family pc so can I link the new set up to bt vision/freeview etc?
Hi BS,
I can't comment on your main question as I'm a luddite and complete technophobe, but I can't help but comment on the sentence quoted as it really surprised me. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't let the kids anywhere near the computers I use to trade with. You want them - correction - need them functioning perfectly - especially if you're scalping. Given that they've already got kit of their own, I'd threaten to suspend their allowance/pocket money if I caught them anywhere near the trading station if I were you. Heck, I don't even let my wife use the PC I trade with!
Re: Guys I'm a committed swing trader, however, I also 'scalp' and so...

Hi BS,
I can't comment on your main question as I'm a luddite and complete technophobe, but I can't help but comment on the sentence quoted as it really surprised me. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't let the kids anywhere near the computers I use to trade with. You want them - correction - need them functioning perfectly - especially if you're scalping. Given that they've already got kit of their own, I'd threaten to suspend their allowance/pocket money if I caught them anywhere near the trading station if I were you. Heck, I don't even let my wife use the PC I trade with!

Alright Tim, yeah you're right but the eldest lad (15) has a fascination with trading, he actually gave a 'mini lecture' in class about it; a few of them had to present ideas about what they wanted to do, he wants to be back where he was born (in London) trading, he actually trades a bit on a v.small SB account...(the swot) all I wanted to do was get taken on as a pro footballer.. Done his gcse maths a year early, expected to get A*'s great when the kids are *better* than you...🙂
But yeah, overall if I go down the multi monitor route perhaps it just should be a shrine to trading...
Thanks for your advice Black Swan on the 'radar' bit.
Btw, I only use 1 monitor, with lots of windows minimised. I guess ultimately, it makes the PC run slower, and hence, may affect trades. I will be interested in what you finally settle for.
Blacketh swaneth. I am totally bemused.I never for one second thought you had less than 4 screens or indeed did I ever think that you would be a scalper as to you, mine and Leos trades are noise. Im sure wed all love to hear your scalping menthod. Personallyu I couldnt survive without 4 screens. How can you scalp of one screen(unless its a monster)
Blacketh swaneth. I am totally bemused.I never for one second thought you had less than 4 screens or indeed did I ever think that you would be a scalper as to you, mine and Leos trades are noise. Im sure wed all love to hear your scalping menthod. Personallyu I couldnt survive without 4 screens. How can you scalp of one screen(unless its a monster)

Alright Julian, you still *doing* your random trading thread? Havn't popped my head in for a month or so... not sure you've read this thread in full or missed the gist, I'm always going to swing/position trade, I'd dabbled in short term TFs in the past, it was painful tbh, however, rather than treat it as a bit of fun/easy pickings I've been taking 300+ pips out of the market off short term TFs regularly each week, as it's been fairly straight forward I'm helping myself to extra funds 😀

As to having 4 screens totally OTT/unec. for swing/position trading, could carry on taking trades of short term TFs without improving my tech. but it's time to make upgrades, looking to make my trading life easier which is why I've started the thread asking for specific advice on the technical side from a trading standpoint...

As to "scalping method" I don't scalp in the correct definition but for the purpose of this thread it's an apt description, I look to take 20-30 pip movements (as an average) off the short TFs. And as to any discussion on my edge/technique LOL, that'll never happen...😉
If you don't mind spending a few hundred more then I recommend this......

Here is the other prducts they have on offer.....

This what I have from this company. Its bloody great, very fast and there is no set up is all done for you! All you are required to do is plugin the power cable.

I run PRT on it and have 3-4 charts on every screen.

Have been offered a good deal on this, must be about to be replaced with a new sexier model...should take care of the first *bit*, now the monitors...


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I would suggest 2 options.

1. Get a "proper" pc with a "proper" graphics card (that can handle 6 screens). Buy yourself a stand and have a "proper" setup.

2. Go for the gypsy setup and buy 2 cheap pcs. Buy 4 monitors and split screen them. It also allows for one of your gypsy pcs to break / get a virus because you'll have a backup. And if you are smart, you can utilise one keyboard / mouse across the 2 pcs via a download.
Re: Guys I'm a committed swing trader, however, I also 'scalp' and so...

Heck, I don't even let my wife use the PC I trade with!

This has completely changed my image of you Tim.
I now see you in "wife-beater" vest, unshaven, fag in one hand and necking a bottle of Stella with the other, and shouting at her wanting to know why your tea isn't on the table.

That's pretty much me when I'm trading remotely tbh 😱

Haven't even got out of dressing gown so far today

But the toast was yummy 🙂
Re: Guys I'm a committed swing trader, however, I also 'scalp' and so...

This has completely changed my image of you Tim.
I now see you in "wife-beater" vest, unshaven, fag in one hand and necking a bottle of Stella with the other, and shouting at her wanting to know why your tea isn't on the table.

Oops, think I've been rumbled!