Green Growth

Hi All

Great Success for our EV makers, renewable energy solutions & charging stations.


Go, Go, Go

Clean & Green Energy
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Go Green for Green Graphs!

May be leaving the hospital today.

Will post before I leave if I am released.

Would be really nice to have my freedom back.

Please set me Free.
Hi all.

A bit depressed right now.

Unfortunate way to end a good day.

I suppose there is always tomorrow.

Hopefully we can all cheer up some & enjoy a nice night.

Practice some gratitude:

Nutrishish Food
Clean Water
Warm shelter
Nicotine Gum
Online Access

T2W Community
Hospital free soon
Opportunity to Listen
Chance to Learn
Freedom of Speech
Ability to share my voice
Expressing my thoughts & feelings
Modify my mind to Modify my mood
Commitment to Postive Change
Embracing Love & Replacing Hate
Optomistic Approach to Improving Life
Producing Ideas which can transform our world
Keeping Society Safe
Protecting our planet
Protecting all our worlds citizens & soldiers
Promoting Peace for Planet Earrth

Preventing more conflict
Staying Safe Strong Calm & Stable
Starting a fresh new day tomorrow

Everyone have a nice night.

Take Good Care

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Hello All

Hopefully this will contribute to saving more lives & bring about more global peace.

Genocide in my opinion is evil.

Probably not alone with that opinion as well.

Thieves of State:

"Since the late 1990s, corruption has reached such an extent that some governments resemble glorified criminal gangs, bent solely on their own enrichment."

There are times when I feel like there is a corrupt criminal gang of terrorists around me ready to kill me at any time.

In over 20 years im guilty of crossing the road without using a crosswalk & minding my own business.

I believe in world wide peace, love, & happiness for all of humanity.

Instead of saving a human beings life, some folks are terrorizing, tormenting & torturing human beings to death for money.

At the same time they torture & murder people for money, they claim their victims are the ones that are evil.

Thats insane.

Hitler wasnt the most evil person to walk the earth.

The secret society has tortured people to death for years & in my case 20 years.

Maybe they dont realize just how difficult my life has been over the last 2 decades?

20 years ago they took my freedom for no reason.

All I was attempting to do was finish school?

At that time i didnt feel as if I could last a full week?

I am a extremely hard worker, i never give up or quit in life.

Before voices I worked 60 hours a week & went to school part time.

After voices I spent all day every day thinking thought after thought.

I offered to do anything, anytime, anywhere for family, was committed to improving for family & proving my innocense.

Right now the "secret society" is made up of the most evil people to ever walk the planet earth imo.

Nazi soldiers werent torturing Jewish folks to death?

Maybe you could stop torturring people & help them learn, grow & heal?

Mental health hospitals exsist to keep society safe from homicide, not for gang stalking your next homicide victim.

Maybe our American government is acting really wrong right now?

Give recovery a chance.

Maybe we could all benefit greatly from some much neeced love, help & guidance?

Killing people is really wrong.

Insane Asylums exsist to prevent people from committing homicide.

Correctional Facilities protect society from folks who have committed homicide.

Even in the bible it says thou shall not kill!.

If the bible teaches us not to kill, where do you think people go that believe in killing folks?

Murdering people for money is wicked evil imo.

American Choppers belong in American Prisons!!

A human beings life is priceless!!

What the heck are you thinking when you murder someone to make your money!?!?

Murder for money is really wrong!!

Facilities exsist in society to stabilize folks who become homicidal.

Seek some guidance & tell the truth in therapy.

We all must be honest to improve.

Please seek some help if you believe in torturring people to death for money.

Making money from torture & killing folks?

How can you all live with yourselves?

Do you value a human beings life?

If you are employed by the government it is your job & duty to serve & protect our American citizens equally.

Please show some respect for a fellow human beings freedom, rights, pricvacy & life?

Do you have a conscience?

Do you have any guilt?

Do you have any remorse?

Do you have any empathy?

Do you lie pathologically?

Are you Callous?

Are you Manipulative?

Are you Cruel?

Do you have Grandiose Sense of Self Worth?

Look up the definition of psychopath

Please dont turn into psychopaths!

Dont you realize how cruel & evil it is to torture & terrorize people?

Dont Believe Me,?

Good, Think for Yourself??

Google Core Traits of being a Psychopath

I forgive you all for terrorizing me for the last 20 years.

Please set me free now & stop stalking me!

Here is your chance!

Good people tell the truth!

Free yourself from all the lies!

Good folks protect all our society & save peoples lives!

Good people tell the truth not lie!

What more do you want out of me!?

I may not be perfect, but at least im honest & have learned from my mistakes.

Past 20 years, I did my best to listen, learn, improve, offer good advice & never give up.

If you want to execute me like my family did to our 2 family dogs, please give me an opportunity to defend myself & chancce to prove my innocense first.

The dogs never got a chance to speak up for themselves!

I would of saved them if i was home!

I was actually in therapy at my mental health provider at TTI when our Bailey dog was executed!

Those dogs were awesome members of our family!

My family decided to kill the family dogs & bury them in our septic field.

I loved those dogs so much.

I was devastated by their deaths.

For Christmas I had to buy tombstones for presents because the dogs were dead.

I actually picked them out 2 really nice gravestones & spent my life savings on them.

What more could i do?

They loved us equally & unconditionally!

The dogs never got a chance to stand up for themselves.

This is my attempt to stand up for myself & tell the truth!

I am a good person who believes in unconditional love & forgiveness for family & the world.

I deserve a fair & speedy trial, an opportunity to defend myself in the courtroom!

Good people save folks lives.

Good folks do not torture people to death for money!

Embrace Love & have a heart.

Save a life instead of killing someone.

Profit off of wise investments on the stock exchange.

Why not work an honest job for a living like trading on the stock exchange?

Choose freedom & recovery for our fellow human beings.

Help people Heal.

Replace the hate in your life.

Search for happiness.

Surround yourself around things & people that make you happy & bring you joy.

Welcome back Love into your life.

We all share the same planet earth, arent we all brothers & sisters of a big human family?

Sincerely apologize if this post is offensive to anyone.

Choose to utilize my rights, stand up, speak my opinion & share my voice.

Feel like im fighting for my life right now.

Dont want anyone to hurt or harm me.

Lived my entire life as a happy, positive, peaceful human being.

I may of had a drinking problem for a few years in high school, but that was over 25 years ago.

Sober today for over 7 months & plan on staying sober for the rest of my life.

A cool uncle for my 4 nieces, 1 nephew & very happy to be alive.

After 20 years of asking for a chance to prove my innocence, really feel i deserve a fair & speedy trial.

I have been falsely accussed of crimes I never committed!

At least let me take a lie detector test?

I was actually lied to about taking a lie detector test?

I am innocent!

Please give me a chance to prove myself to the world.

Maybe people dont want to admit that they made a mistake?

Executing me without a fair & speedy trial after 20 years of doing my best to earn an opportunity to prove myself innocent is really wrong.

Why did i not receive a fair trial 20 years ago!

Is it because you know im innocent?

For 20 years now people have used & abused me.

20 years of terrorism, torment & torture in my mind.

At the same time they do it for profit & get rich?

I was hired to lead a team of design engineers at the age of 30?

Voices terrorized me all night the day before i was suppossed to start working.

I literally tossed & turned in bed while thinking new job, start tomorrow all night long.

44 now & Survived 14 years of more Terrorists Torturing me in my brain since that night.

The Negative External Voices In My Brain Are the Ones That have been Pure Evil!

I actually enjoy spending time with the good voices.

Negative voices are so severe at times, im unable to brush my own teeth or shower daily.

Havent had a good nights rest in over 20 years.

I do my best to follow my own positive voice & ignore the negative external voices.

Not a perfect person, but am aware i could improve.

For the 1st 6 months of voices i would think "positive thoughts, positive mind" over & over again.

The moment I stopped thinking positive thoughts an external voice would tell me how much they hated me for being so positive.

So all day everyday, I would think positive thoughts, positive mind?

I am not mad, angry or bitter in any way.

Killing me without a fair & speedy trial would be a huge mistake.

Killing me now for no reason might make a lot of other people really angry in the world.

I forgive people & accept people for who they are.

My mission is keeping society safe & saving peoples lives.

I will never hold a grudge or seek out revenge.

I attempt to stay safe, stable, happy & healthy every day.

Really wish you all to be happy & healthy people as well.

Healthy people dont torture folks to death for money?

Everyone makes mistakes, please accept this as an opportunity to learn & grow.

Please allow us to heal together.

Choose to embrace some much needed love & bring about some peace for planet earth.

Please use your arms to provide love for one another.

Give someone a hug.

If a fellow human falls down, extend a helping hand & raise them back up.

Treat People like you would like to be treated.

Please choose love & forgiveness for humanity.

I forgive the secret society for terrorizing me for 20 years.

Please forgive me for whatever it is you think i did?

If you would just allow me the opportunity to prove myself innocent to the world, everyone would be happy again & this awful situation might become a great learning experience for society?

Not asking everyone to like me.

Would be really nice if people accepted me for who i am today.

Please dont hate me for things i dont believe in or didnt do?

I will be more than glad to take a lie detector or stand trial for anything you believe I did in life.

To the best of my ability, I tell the truth.

If I fail a lie detector test I have offered to commit suicide to please the voices that accuse me of wrong doings.

I probably wouldnt agree to do that if I were guilty?

I am innocent.

I put my heart & soul into improving my mental health every day.

Attempted to improve our family relationships in our family therapy sessions.

Please keep hope alive for me & my family.

I promise not to give up on anyone & will do my best to work through whatever situation I am placed in.

Still have love for everyone in the world, here at T2W, in the secret society & in my family.

Would be great if I was free.

Free of Hospitals, Mentally Free, Physically Free, Free of Stalkers & Free Online.

If I were free, i would be able to Volunteer & make a positive difference in the world once again.

Please set me free!
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I do apologize for my last post.

Please know I forgive people for their mistakes & have forgiven myself for my mistakes.

I will never hate anyone.

As much as I may disagree with what someone does or believes, I still choose to love them & accept them.

Some people become unstable & need treatment so they can stabilize themselves & recover.

Please believe in love for people & planet earth.

Please embrace peace & unity for our world so we can come together to overcome crisis situations like climate change.

Mental Health Hospitals exsist to keep society safe.

Maybe its a good thing I am here?
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Might be here over the weekend & until Monday now.

To be honest, sometimes the voices can be kind & good to me.

When the voices are nice & friendly, my life is good.

On the other hand, bad voices are really negative & full of hate for me.

Bad voices can completley ruin my positive days.

Frustrating bc if they were always good friendly voices, all my days would be positive & productive.

Makes me really sad & difficult to live a normal life when the voices are really bad in my brain.

I would probably miss them if they were gone.

Good or bad, they have been a huge part of my life.

Feel like a calm & clear mind is what would be best for everyone.

Sure its easy to tell when they are really loud & negative.

My posts are a bit crazy bc the voices drive me nutz.

Anywways, great day today for our whole portfolio & especially for green stocks.

Very Nice.

= )
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Hey guys n gals.

Great Success!

My portfolio closed at +2.00%

Green Gainers:


CHPT 2.05‎+7.89%

BE ‎12.01‎+6.05%

PLUG PLUG POWER INC. ‎4.70‎+5.62%


STLA Stellantis NV ‎22.84‎+4.01%

CSIQ 22.92‎+3.71%

F Ford 12.11‎+3.29%

JKS JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. ‎27.02‎+3.01%

RUN 14.90‎+2.90%

ORA 66.39‎+2.64%

CLNE 3.02‎+2.37%


ENPH 105.44‎+1.26%

FSLR FIRST SOLAR, INC. ‎147.89‎+1.09%

Green Gainers:

PH ‎500.65‎+7.78%

MRK ‎126.42‎+4.67%


LOW 220.17‎+3.44%


AMZN AMAZON.COM, INC. ‎159.28‎+2.63%


HD THE HOME DEPOT, INC. ‎360.01‎+2.00%

DTE ‎107.47‎+1.94%

IPI 18.71‎+1.68%

AMD ‎170.48‎+1.66%

ADBE ‎627.91‎+1.64%

AMAT ‎166.97‎+1.63%


COST ‎704.48‎+1.53%

V ‎277.04‎+1.38%

AAPL ‎186.86‎+1.33%

KR THE KROGER CO. 46.71‎+1.24%


Nice way to end the day!

Everyone have a good night.

Take Good Care.

Adding NXT

Nextracker Inc. is a provider of integrated solar tracker and software solutions used in utility-scale and distributed generation solar projects. Its products enable solar panels in utility-scale power plants to follow the sun’s movement across the sky and optimize plant performance. It has operations in the United States, Mexico, Spain, India, Australia, the Middle East and Brazil.

Adding FCEL

FuelCell Energy, Inc. is a clean technology manufacturer of fuel cell energy platforms that decarbonize power and produce hydrogen. Its commercial technology produces electricity, heat, hydrogen, and water while separating carbon for utilization and/or sequestration. Its product portfolio is based on two electrochemical platforms, carbonate, and solid oxide. Both platforms can support power generation and combined heat and power applications using a variety of fuels, including natural gas, renewable biogas, and hydrogen. Its Carbonate platforms use a mixture of reforming and electrolysis, while solid oxide platforms can be used for pure hydrogen electrolysis. Its solid oxide platform operates on pure hydrogen fuel. Its commercial platforms include SureSource 1500, SureSource 3000, SureSource 4000, SureSource 250, and SureSource Hydrogen. Its applications include combined heat and power, microgrid, distributed hydrogen, electricity, and water, and multi-fuel power generation.

Adding TPIC

TPI Composites, Inc. is a manufacturer of composite wind blades for the wind energy market. The Company operates through four geographic segments: the United States, Mexico, Europe, and the Middle East and Africa. It enables wind turbine original equipment manufacturers (OEM) to outsource the manufacturing of their wind blades through its manufacturing facilities located around the world to serve wind markets. It also provides field service inspection and repair services to its OEM customers and wind farm owners and operators. Its field service inspection and repair services include diagnostic, repair and maintenance service offerings for wind blades that have been installed on wind turbines located at wind farms. The Company has produced precision molding and assembly systems, ranging from approximately 30 meters to approximately 80 meters in length, to support its global operations. Its tooling solutions include precision wind blade patterns, precision molding and assembly systems.

Adding AMRC

Ameresco, Inc. is a cleantech integrator and renewable energy asset developer, owner and operator. The Company’s comprehensive portfolio includes energy efficiency, infrastructure upgrades, asset sustainability, and renewable energy solutions. The Company’s segments include U.S. Regions, U.S. Federal, Canada, Alternative Fuels and All Other. The Company’s U.S. Regions, U.S. Federal and Canada segments offers energy efficiency products and services, which include the design, engineering, and installation of equipment and other measures. Its Alternative Fuels segment sells electricity and processed renewable natural gas (RNG) derived from biomethane from small-scale plants that it owns and operates and provides operations and maintenance (O&M) services for customer-owned small-scale RNG plants. The All Other category offers enterprise energy management services, consulting services, energy efficiency products and services outside of the United States and Canada.

Adding BEEM

Beam Global is a clean technology company, which develops, patents, designs, engineers and manufactures advanced clean mobility solutions. It offers sustainable products and technologies for electric vehicle (EV) charging, energy storage, energy security and outdoor media. Its core platforms include Beam EV ARC and Solar Tree sustainable EV charging systems, Beam AllCell high-performance energy storage solutions, energy resiliency and disaster preparedness products, and a deep patent library. Beam EV ARC EV charging infrastructure systems support all brand EV charging service equipment, and Beam AllCell battery solutions power micro-mobility, terrestrial EVs, aviation, maritime and recreational vehicles, as well as stationery and energy-security platforms. The Company, through Beam Europe, manufactures specialized structures and equipment, including streetlights, communications and energy infrastructure. It serves municipalities, states and commercial customers in 16 nations.

Adding STEM

Stem, Inc. is a digitally connected, intelligent energy storage network provider. The Company provides customers with an energy storage system, sourced from global battery original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), that the Company delivers through its partners, including developers, distributors, and engineering, procurement, and construction firms. It provides an ongoing software platform and professional services to operate integrated energy storage and solar systems, through its Athena artificial intelligence (AI) platform (Athena), and solar asset performance monitoring and control, through Athena’s PowerTrack application. It delivers its battery hardware and software-enabled services through its Athena platform to its customers. Additionally, the Company’s energy storage solutions support renewable energy generation by alleviating grid intermittency issues. It operates in areas within the energy storage landscape: Behind-the-Meter and Front-of-the-Meter.

Adding MAXN

Maxeon Solar Technologies, Ltd. is a Singapore-based company, which designs and manufactures Maxeon and SunPower brand solar panels. It has sales operations in more than 100 countries, operating under the SunPower brand in certain countries outside the United States. The Company is engaged in solar innovation with access to approximately 1,000 patents and two solar panel product lines. Its primary products are the Maxeon line of interdigitated back contact solar cells and panels, and the Performance line of shingled solar cells and panels. Its technology platforms, including the Maxeon line and Performance line, target distinct market segments, serving both the DG and power plant markets. Its products include Maxeon Solar Panels and Performance Solar Panels. Its Performance line technology is designed to deliver higher performance compared with conventional panels. It owns and operates solar cell and panel manufacturing facilities located in Malaysia, Mexico and the Philippines.

Adding ARRY

Array Technologies, Inc. is a provider of utility-scale solar tracker technology. The Company manufactures ground-mounting tracking systems used in solar energy projects at utility scale. Its segments include Array Legacy Operations and STI Operations. Its products are a portfolio of integrated solar tracking systems comprised of steel supports, electric motors, gearboxes and electronic controllers commonly referred to as a single-axis tracker. Its tracker uses a patented design that allows one motor to drive multiple rows of solar panels. It sells its products to engineering, procurement and construction firms that build solar energy projects and to large solar developers, independent power producers and utilities. Its products and services include Tracker Systems, DuraTrack HZ v3, Array STI H250, Array OmniTrack and SmarTrack Software. Its DuraTrack HZ v3 is a single axis tracker and incorporates features, such as a patented single bolt per module mounting system.

Adding NOVA

Sunnova Energy International Inc. is a residential solar and energy storage service provider to customers across the United States. The Company offers a residential solar dealer model in which it partners with local dealers who originate, design and install its customers' solar energy systems and energy storage systems on its behalf. The Company services include operations and maintenance, monitoring, repairs and replacements, equipment upgrades, onsite power optimization for the customer (for both supply and demand), the ability to switch power sources among the solar panel, grid and energy storage system, as appropriate, and diagnostics. It also offers ongoing energy services to customers who purchased their solar energy system through third parties. The Company serves commercial, industrial, agricultural, not-for-profit and public sector customers. It serves approximately 2,79,000 customers in more than 45 United States and territories.

Adding RIVN

Rivian Automotive, Inc., is an American electric vehicle manufacturer and automotive technology and outdoor recreation company founded in 2009. Rivian produces an electric sport utility vehicle and pickup truck on a "skateboard" platform that can support future vehicles or be adopted by other companies.

Adding BLNK

Blink Charging Co. is a manufacturer, owner, operator, and provider of electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment and networked EV charging services in the United States and international markets for EVs. The Company offers residential and commercial EV charging equipment and services, enabling EV drivers to recharge at various location types. The Company’s principal line of products and services includes the Blink EV charging network (Blink Network), EV charging equipment, EV charging services, SemaConnect, Blue Corner and BlueLA. The Blink Network uses cloud-based software that operates, maintains, and tracks the EV charging stations connected to the network and the associated charging data. The Blink Networks provide property owners, managers, parking companies, and state and municipal entities, among other types of commercial customers, with cloud-based services that enable the remote monitoring and management of EV charging stations. The Blink Networks also provide EV drivers.

Adding ASTI

Ascent Solar Technologies, Inc. is a solar technology company that manufactures and sells photovoltaic (PV) solar modules. The Company is focused on integrating its PV products into high-value markets, such as aerospace, satellites, near-earth-orbiting vehicles, and fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). It also designs and manufactures PV-integrated portable power applications for commercial and military users. It manufactures its products by affixing a thin Copper-Indium-Gallium-diSelenide (CIGS) layer to a flexible, plastic substrate using a roll-to-roll process that permits fabricating its flexible PV modules in an integrated sequential operation. It uses monolithic integration techniques which enable to form complete PV modules with inter-cell connections. The Company's production facility is located in Thornton, Colorado.

Adding OPTT

Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. provides ocean data collection and reporting, marine power, offshore communications and domain awareness services products, and integrated solutions. The Company focuses on three major service areas: Data as a Service (DaaS), which includes data collected by its Wave Adaptive Modular Vessel (WAM-V) autonomous vehicles or its PowerBuoy product lines; Robotics as a Service (RaaS), which provides a lower cost subscription model for its customers to access use of its WAM-Vs, and Power as a Service (PaaS), which includes its PowerBuoy and subsea battery products. The Company's solutions are primarily suited to ocean and other offshore environments, and support generation of actionable intelligence on a standalone basis. The Company offers its products and services to a wide range of customers, including those in government and offshore energy, oil and gas, construction, wind power and other industries.

Adding IPWR

Ideal Power, Inc. is focused on the development and commercialization of its Bidirectional, bipolar junction TRANsistor (B-TRAN) solid-state switch technology. The Company is engaged in the development of its bidirectional power switches, creating energy control solutions for electric vehicle, electric vehicle charging, renewable energy, energy storage, uninterruptible power supply (UPS)/ data center, solid-state circuit breaker and other industrial and military applications. B-TRAN is a double-sided bidirectional alternative circuit (AC) switch that delivers performance improvements over conventional power semiconductors. The Company's B-TRAN modules reduce conduction and switching losses, complexity of thermal management and operating costs in medium voltage AC power switching and control circuitry.
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New List for 2/2/24

Green Growth Gainers



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New Adds Today


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Adding NEXCF

NexTech3D.AI Corp., formerly Nextech AR Solutions Corp., is a diversified augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI) technology company. The Company leverages AI to create three dimensional (3D) experiences for the metaverse. Its main businesses are creating 3D WebAR photorealistic models for the Prime Ecommerce Marketplace as well as many other online retailers. Its suite of products includes patented AI-based technology for 3D model creation and 2D to 3D conversion. Its technologies include ARitize3D, Map D and others. The Company develops or acquires disruptive technologies and once commercialized, spins them out as stand-alone public companies.

Adding ZETA

Zeta Global Holdings Corp. operates an omnichannel data-driven cloud platform. The Company provides enterprises with consumer intelligence and marketing automation software. It enables customers to target, connect and engage consumers through software that delivers personalized marketing across all addressable channels, including email, social media, Web, chat, connected TV (CTV) and video, among others. Its Zeta Marketing Platform (ZMP) is an omnichannel marketing platform with identity data at its core. The ZMP analyzes billions of structured and unstructured data points to predict consumer intent by leveraging sophisticated machine learning algorithms and the opted-in data set for omnichannel marketing. Its Consumer Data Platform (CDP+) ingests, analyzes and distills disparate data points to generate a single view of a consumer, encompassing identity, profile characteristics, behaviors and purchase intent, which is then made accessible through a single console.
LI-S Energy

Li-S Energy Limited is a company specializing in cutting-edge energy solutions. The company is focused on advancing battery technology, the company pioneer in the development and application of lithium-sulfur and lithium metal cells. With a keen eye on sustainable aviation propulsion, Li-S Energy is actively engaged in partnerships and collaborations to drive innovation in the electric aviation sector. The company has collaborated closely with Deakin University to commercialize more than a decade's worth of research dedicated to advancing lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries. By incorporating boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) as nano-insulators, these batteries have witnessed enhanced performance and extended cycle life. The company aims to cater to the sectors of automotive, aerospace and consumer electronics.