Hello All
Save more lives & bring about more global peace.
Genocide in my opinion is evil.
Probably not alone with that opinion as well.
Thieves of State:
"Since the late 1990s, corruption has reached such an extent that some governments resemble glorified criminal gangs, bent solely on their own enrichment."
There are times when I feel like there is a corrupt criminal gang of terrorists around me ready to kill me at any time.
In over 20 years im guilty of crossing the road without using a crosswalk & minding my own business.
I believe in world wide peace, love, & happiness for all of humanity.
Instead of saving a human beings life, some folks are terrorizing, tormenting & torturing human beings to death for money.
At the same time they torture & murder people for money, they claim their victims are the ones that are evil.
Thats insane.
Hitler wasnt the most evil person to walk the earth.
The secret society has tortured people to death for years & in my case 20 years.
Maybe they dont realize just how difficult my life has been over the last 2 decades?
20 years ago they took my freedom for no reason.
All I was attempting to do was finish school?
At that time i didnt feel as if I could last a full week?
I am a extremely hard worker, i never give up or quit in life.
Before voices I worked 60 hours a week & went to school part time.
After voices I spent all day every day thinking thought after thought.
I offered to do anything, anytime, anywhere for family, was committed to improving for family & proving my innocense.
Right now the "secret society" is made up of the most evil people to ever walk the planet earth imo.
Nazi soldiers werent torturing Jewish folks to death?
Maybe you could stop torturring people & help them learn, grow & heal?
Mental health hospitals exsist to keep society safe from homicide, not for gang stalking your next homicide victim.
Maybe our American government is acting really wrong right now?
Give recovery a chance.
Maybe we could all benefit greatly from some much neeced love, help & guidance?
Killing people is really wrong.
Insane Asylums exsist to prevent people from committing homicide.
Correctional Facilities protect society from folks who have committed homicide.
Even in the bible it says thou shall not kill!.
If the bible teaches us not to kill, where do you think people go that believe in killing folks?
Murdering people for money is wicked evil imo.
American Choppers belong in American Prisons!!
A human beings life is priceless!!
What the heck are you thinking when you murder someone to make your money!?!?
Murder for money is really wrong!!
Facilities exsist in society to stabilize folks who become homicidal.
Seek some guidance & tell the truth in therapy.
We all must be honest to improve.
Please seek some help if you believe in torturring people to death for money.
Making money from torture & killing folks?
How can you all live with yourselves?
Do you value a human beings life?
If you are employed by the government it is your job & duty to serve & protect our American citizens equally.
Please show some respect for a fellow human beings freedom, rights, pricvacy & life?