Making a New Science by James Gleick is ....... for anyone who is interested in the Financial Markets.
1) Trading for a Living - Dr. Alexander Elder
2) Come Into my Trading Room - Dr. Alexander Elder
3) Supertrader - Dr. Van Tharp
4) Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom - Dr. Van Tharp
5) Technical Analysis for Financial Markets - John Murphy
Do any books make profitable traders?
I think the best books are the Wizards as at-least they are entertaining, the others on technical analysis are just a waste because edges change over time.
is that a contradiction?
is the point of reading anything "about" trading to give yourself an edge over ignorance?
can you back test the conversations in the Wizards versus other technical books?
can you not forward test honed edges provided in updated technical books compared to generalised conversational narratives within the Wizard books?
are not all books going to lag realtime market edges ?
are you judging their idea of an edge with yours, youre focus maybe on edges that this other trader has yet to define for themself and they may not have access to knowledge that you do and they may not have the IQ you have
i think indicia are cr@p but many get along fine with them (pro tip: most dont!)
the trick of reading is not to copy someone elses edge but to see what yours is going to be have to find it and start somewhere to find "it"
then again, youre right but youre dead right
just passing thru, dont mind me ...... 😱nline2lo
There are various good books available regarding trading and they will be really helpful in learning trading. However, you cannot get trading experience from them. Hence, you should also try demo trading accounts.
Any books about technical analysis would be a good start. Trend trading of Guppy MMA is a good one for me. To met the simplest form is using trend lines . People use many indicators and oscillators in their charts that just makes it more confusing. They end having paralysis analysis. Learning simple trend line analysis is the most simplest form to learn.
Pick 1 stock like JPM , V ,MA, SQ , MU, EL . Study their recent long term trends of their weekly vs the daily vs 4 hour , 2 hour , 1 hour, 5 minute charts. When see the trends on the weekly and daily we will see the trends and where to trade.
Here's a good video about trend lines.
I completely agree with you, books will give you practical knowledge you can only have theoretical knowledge. So, if you want to gain some good knowledge and experience then this can be earned by trading only.