Perfecting trading executions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dima
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I was wondering if anyone could recommend any good reading material/books on how to perfect futures trading executions or even any generally good books on trading futures in short time frames.


you say you are looking to perfect trading executions and generally good trading books
to answer your first question no book will teach you that, that comes with experience. Some books may show you from the authors/trader point of view how they would enter a trade but you will find thats unique to each individual and style of trading
as for trading books again really down to your style, many short term traders use indicator some look at price action, others timing some use level II (time and sales to get a feeling of short-term movement) chart patterns fib ratios the list goes on and on, read up on all the resources trade2win as its free and may well point you in the right direction before you go and spend money unnecessarily
Thanks for your reply Andy

Most of the reading I have done up till now was primarily focused on techincal analysis with a medium/long view and my personal experience up till now only involves trading stocks. My interests are now shifting in the direction of intraday/short term futures trading and although you may argue that there are many similarities when it comes to trading any financial market, from what I've gathered so far, futures trading is a completely different ballgame. So I was just wondering if anyone here has read any books that deal with the subject matter well. I found Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets by John Murphy a good read but all the topics were discussed at a pretty introductory level and there was little focus on short term trading tactics. All input will be greatly appreciated

Press your left mouse button over the futures market price ladder at the price you want and - bingo! you've executed a trade! it doesnt get any more perfect than that. :cheesy:

or are you talking about a perfect trading method, rather than perfect execution? coz thats much harder...
trading futures or stocks are basically the same from the perspective that you buy when it goes up and sell when it goes down.
trading futures is not a different ball game unless the basis of your decision to buy or sell is fundamental, then yes there is a big difference.
with that said you make the point that you read technical analysis of the futures market so i will assume that wont be the issue
if you want an explanation what is the fundamental difference it will take about 5 min for you to understand it.
i can tell you the approach used to trade stocks or trade futures is basically the same certainly not worthy of you spending money on buying books.
somehow i suspect the complexity you maybe thinking is in futures options
that type of trading is a completely different ball game certainly more complex