Trading Books



Can anyone recommend any good books on trading?

I know there is a lot of information on the web about this but sometimes it's good to relax with a book.

Pick up Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas, successful trading starts with having a positive mindset. Good luck 🙂
Thanks Task.

Had a quick look and the write up on Amazon says, "Picking up where "The Disciplined Trader" left off..." Is it worth reading The Disciplined Trader first do you know?

The Market Wizard books give a good cross section of top traders views and worth a read

Can anyone recommend any good books on trading?

I know there is a lot of information on the web about this but sometimes it's good to relax with a book.


Check out Reminisences of a Stock Operator. I read it once every year...😉 You can have a look at it from this page under Jesse Livermore.

Forex Matador

I highly recommend Market Wizards & Way of the Turtle.

Relative to everyone else, I'm not that keen on Reminiscences, it's a good book, but I didn't get any amazing lessons from it.

I'm not impressed with Douglas or Tharp at all.

Oh, and read Hull ffs, why does nobody read Hull?

Probably get a book in game theory too, "A primer in Game Theory" is alright for starters.
John J Murphy, technical analysis of financial markets..spent thousands on a course and it was all in this one book!!
Otherwise Duplessis, the definitive guide to point and figure and lastly Hurst's profit from stock market cycles.
I've bought and read lots of books. Mostly obvious stuff put in books to make the author some bucks imho. Lots of theories of price forecasting that don't hold up in the real world.
I would not recommend Murphy, technical analysis of financial markets. That book is on the level of the 1970's and was even outdated back then. Instead get Kaufman, New Trading Systems and Methods, which is far better and more detailed than Murphy.

each to their own I guess, but I never found JJM covering systems and methods and only a little on indicators. It seems that the content may well be different.