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anyway, the fact of the matter is the kind of people who are gold bugs are total ****ing morons. so who cares!
Rothschild, I think you are seriously missing why gold is going up, and has been going up, for the last four years. I think your blatant criticism of this is going to mean you will miss out on a lot of profit, or you will have you dollars rapidly eaten away by the massive inflation the US is facing. Note ; the USD lost 60% of it's worth against other currencies from 00-09. Check it yourself.
So we've got our housing bubble, which was created in response to the dot com bubble, which was the result of blatant greed etc etc. Difference between teh housing bubble and earlier bubbles is that the government seems to think stimulus packages actually do something apart from line the pockets of management(among other things, more later). The government wants to get consumers exploiting home equity again to buy more worthless crap they dont need. No government wants to look like it is making the people actually save and sacrifice for a prosperous life. And as far as I can see, times before the bubble popped are the standard that the govt wants to uphold. IT IS NOT SUSTAINABLE.
So ignoring the underlying critical flaws present in the american economy (lack of production, excess consumption, huge consumer debt, and a Bernake keen to use his printing presses while lying about inflation), the US has built itself up on a pillar of exported inflation and lavish government spending. There are two things that have allowed them to print all this money.
First : overseas demand for american dollars because it is the reserve currency. In America's current financial woes (which are showing NO signs of abating), there is already discussion of removing this status.
Second : The US is free to print however much money it wants... it can too; they stopped releasing the M3 which details current amount of greenies in circulation and how much they have printed, along with T bills and other things. Meanwhile they are saying that inflation stands at 2-3% when it is more like 9-10%. You can fool some of the people some of the time. How can you have your cake and eat it? Lie.
So with America not exporting anything much, a growing deficit of 800 billion per year, and a huge amount of debt obligations, bumps up their debt closer to 40 or 50 trillion. Rising gold prices are a vote of no confidence in the dollar. And if you think the clowns running this country actually have any neurals to rub together, think again. Bernake was asked a few weeks back why he thinks gold is rising and is he worried. He said "I do not know why gold is rising", and he kept up his bull**** farce that the economy is recovering. Just the fact that people like this control the printing presses of the US dollar make me not want to hold any greenies.
Ok, so how the hell is the US govt going to pay back 10 trillion and keep funding some 40 trillion worth of social security, obamahealth, welfare and trillion dollar wars? Remember, it's GDP is held up by consumption, not production(it does not differentiate between), and I could go on another rant about that, but I think we should all know that the GDP and CPI figures are all a farce to hold official inflation down. So it can either default or print. Gold cannot be made out of thin air. Either way, this is a hole that is going to be a bitch to get out of.
To get out of this hole of gross consumption and borrowing, America is going to need to let their dollar drop like a rock, relax regulations and taxes on manufacturers and cut it's 50% consumption of the world gasoline. Unlike Aus, or us(NZ), or china, or saudi, you guys have no real exports of any commodity or good that could pull you out of this.(feel free to dispute this, I'm yet to hear a convincing argument)
Its going to take a very harsh recession or even a depression before america gets over its "dream" and stops being the fatass at the end of the table.
Look at the underlying problems guys, it's all there. If you think my argument has a lot of holes in it, that's fine(I'm still 15😆), but it is hard to dispute their gross debt and spending problems. America's problems will keep slowly being revealed, its solutions will slowly keep failing, and gold is going to keep rising. America's collapse; not if but when.