
glyder, i thought the reply had been made by Dunecat, wasnt directed at you. my mistake

cheers .
And sorry, you're not uptight.
And quite maybe you'll be a bigger cheese than the examples of the traders I gave.
I hope so . 👍
Needs to be cleaned up and renamed, but here's my collection so far. innit.

Since they haven't been renamed, you could search for those file names and download them.

Try to ignore people recommending rubbish books.

I reckon that Speed Reading one ought to be first on the list 🙂
I reckon that Speed Reading one ought to be first on the list 🙂

Yeah well I had a look into speed reading. I've got some software on the go currently; I'll give them a scan to see if they're legit and then try em out. Reading a longish book to teach my how to speed read isn't going to cut it very well...

lol and what's this? "Dictionary_of_Chemistry"? ...
Dunecat,......Speed reading is just a matter of training the mind to pick out the keywords in any text, ignoring the filler, e.g,.. "the", I, is, put,..etc,...
And also learning to read in blocks, rather than individual words.
Just different from how you were taught "normally"
It doesn't require you to read a whole book on it,...just to understand how, you/we, take in information, regarding symbols (letters), and concepts.
Hope this helps : )
Yeah well I had a look into speed reading. I've got some software on the go currently; I'll give them a scan to see if they're legit and then try em out. Reading a longish book to teach my how to speed read isn't going to cut it very well...
You're going to teach your computer to speed-read for you to save you the bother?
Sounds like a plan...
lol and what's this? "Dictionary_of_Chemistry"? ...
Alchemy might be good if you're into gold.
lol and what's this? "Dictionary_of_Chemistry"? ...

Alchemy might be good if you're into gold.

That made me lol.

The software is such that teaches you how to speed read. Don't ask me how, just consider it an ongoing review. I've heard it has something to do with stopping that automatic reaction to reading a word and getting ready to say it. Also has relations to how fast your brain is taking in info; if it receives more info it won't be able to wander off(a big issue for me..)
Open a demo account at IG and place a few trades, see how you get on. DO NOT start looking into speed reading, goodness!!
Man, I spent 3 hours reading "trade your way to financial freedom" and I got through 70 pages. That is just not good enough. There needs to be something done about my slow reading.
It's quality, not quantity. Plus, you're 15 so you have a LOT of time to read books.

I usually read books quickly, then re-read them at a later date if I think they're any good. I don't think I've read more than about 20 trading books, though. At some point you need to start forming your own opinions (which I am sure won't take you long 🙂 )
It's quality, not quantity. Plus, you're 15 so you have a LOT of time to read books.

I usually read books quickly, then re-read them at a later date if I think they're any good. I don't think I've read more than about 20 trading books, though. At some point you need to start forming your own opinions (which I am sure won't take you long 🙂 )

The problem is that I need to remember as much as possible from some of these books, because I still have no idea about how I'm going to structure my system and what benefits there are to different ones. I'm still thinking over trading biases and what position type trading I want to do.

It's not easy reading some of these books either... maybe I'll get a better tolerance towards it, or maybe it's just because practically everything in the book is foreign to me; it's just a real effort to remember what each paragraph is saying and then remember it in context to the previous paragraph..
you cant learn to trade from reading a book. the markets are one of the hardest and most unforgiving thigns a man can do, you think you people master it from reading a book they got on amazon? Trading is as hard as becoming a doctor or a lawyer. If you dont look at it like that you will fail and thats why most people on this site suck ass at trading as its something they think can be done easily with little effort after a few months of reading some 20$ book.

Take the thread on the "t2w setup" just mindless crap on pointless observations on entrys and exits and how price does this and that at round numbers etc. Its all bull! If you wana be a trader learn HOW markets move and more importantly WHY. TA is a total cop out of doing any real work and its why the majority of TA traders fail. Facts.
Rothschild, you don't seem to notice my total ignorance towards this type of trading. I never read anything about it, because the first books I picked up happened to be on Warren Buffet's techniques and fundamental analysis. A few of them didn't portray technical or momemtum trading as very good, which I couldn't spot as being an opinion, so sadly I misconceived that as being anything more than a belief.

I'm practically starting from the ground up. I need to sort out my basics before I can start actually trading.

Funny you mention TA as being complete crap, because that's what all the fundamental analysis books also said. "Brokers will show you sheets and sheets of Technical analysis that isn't worth the paper it is written on." I shouldn't be forming opinions on any of this until I can investigate and determine if any of the actually work.
What im saying is dont look to books for an actual trading system, that you have to make yourself.

Read all of George Soros books would be a good starting point for you, especially The Alchemy of finance along with the two books i recommended earlier
What im saying is dont look to books for an actual trading system, that you have to make yourself.

Read all of George Soros books would be a good starting point for you, especially The Alchemy of finance along with the two books i recommended earlier

Are you implying I should drop "trade your way to financial freedom" and read one of your recommended books? Does the alchemy of finance actually detail all the basics of designing your own system and using it properly etc?

The one I'm reading right now isn't actually giving you the system to use. It's just guiding you and showing you what criteria are needed to design a successful system.

It's also implying that fundamental analysis is something that is very hard to do by yourself, and also advocates subscribing to a brokerage or other to receive it from fully qualified professionals. Does that mean that fundamental analysis is purely you listening to several recommendations from different brokers and making a decision based on that?
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I shouldn't be forming opinions on any of this until I can investigate and determine if any of the actually work.

Good lad. Work it out for yourself. Roth has a way of trading which is fundamental based. I use a mix of fundamental and technical. Some people just rely on technical. There is no one right way.

The trick is to believe nobody and find your own way that suits your financial needs and your psychological makeup. You won't get a method out of book but what you will get is information in how other market participants may trade which you can use to your advantage.
you cant learn to trade from reading a book. the markets are one of the hardest and most unforgiving thigns a man can do, you think you people master it from reading a book they got on amazon? Trading is as hard as becoming a doctor or a lawyer. If you dont look at it like that you will fail and thats why most people on this site suck ass at trading as its something they think can be done easily with little effort after a few months of reading some 20$ book.

Trading as hard as being a doctor? I think that's very flattering towards traders and more than a little denigrating towards doctors.
im talking about the effort required to reach a pro level. Think hedge fund managers get paid millions/billions because they read a TA book?