5 Signs Gold Has Peaked
My gold target is still 1650 - financial crises is not over by far. On the contrary consequences about to hit us with inflation / stagflation.
Talk of rise in interest rates somewhat funny - how will governments finance their debt otherwise.
Inflation is about the only solution with long term negative interest rates.
In my opinion, inflation can only happen if the money supply is expanded and accepted by the masses................Right now the Fed is trying to expand the money supply, but banks are not lending and people are not borrowing.............I think this is leading to deflation right now...............I think hyperinflation will come at some point in the future,,,,,,,,,,,but not for several more years............I think we will be in a deflationary period for at least 3 years.............This will mean that the stock indexes will drop worldwide and that commodities will drop as well for the next several years...
Hi JahDave,
The evidence does not support your claim.
Prices are going up - weather it is to do with energy, oil or food stuffs is not important. Prices ARE going up. To compensate people are spending less else where and economy has slowed down.
You are looking at stagflation not deflation. Important to get distinction right.
Stock indexes have risen - but I feel this is more to do with adjustment to the dollar's purchasing power. You need more dollars to value those companies. If you value them in gold stock indexes have fallen.
If commodities have risen in the worst of the recession what do you base your conclusion on - that they will drop for the next three years as we come out?
Even if Europeans have a big macro hit and start defaulting - there is now sufficient growth and demand in other parts of the world to maintain demand. Other nations have defaulted before Argentina and Russia came pretty close but they managed to service their debt. Recovery didn't take that long. Be even less for Europe.
Any shocks to the system will be temporary blips and when it happens gold will rise further. People will have seen both the mighty dollar and the euro to be exposed to market shocks and turmoil.