With the current money printing (both paper and virtual) that the Federal reserve is doing, it is definitely making the matter worse. What you have to consider is that our monetary system and federal deficit are technically two separate matters. Recently an audit was perform (pushed by Ron Paul) on the Fed, and it was discovered that trillions of dollars were loaned to a few european countries at little or no interest. This happened a couple years ago. What has happened is simple economics...the more currency in existence, the less it's worth.
Your average person doesn't seem to realize that it's not that the price of something goes up, it's the value of the dollar goes down. Recent actions of 'quantative easing' by Ben Bernake have only made matters worse. As John Boener put it (refering to the US deficit) we're 'kicking the can down the road'. People blame prices such as gold, gas and food on Obama, but truely, the Fed (caugh...Ben Bernake...who was put in by Bush and continued by Obama)....is to blame. You can try and google how many trillion dollars are in circulation (remember...virtual too), and you'll be hard pressed to find it. That....my friend is scary. I have caught somewhere that there are $200 T worldwide but have no hard proof.
What I like is the recent QE3. As if the QE1 and QE2 helped, 'hey, lets try pumping more money into the system until it works'. Honestly, our only hope is that Romney is elected and is able to kick Ben Bernake out. Obama doesn't understand economic policies enough to know that whoever's in charge right now is making the wrong choices.
Key indicators are continuing inflation. Keep watching the price of gold. The rate at which it climbs would be a good indicator. This means the demand for gold by investors is outstripping supply. IMO, gold will continue to trickle up until the election. If Obama is elected, it will continue to climb. If Romney is elected it might level off or trickle down depending on how much pressure he and congress puts on the Federal Reserve.
Another factor is that we are on a FIAT currency system with other nations. Since no country is on the gold standard, basicly all of our currencies float against each other. It's hard to say whether this is good or bad. My recommendation is google Ben Bernake, the Federal Reserve, FIAT currency, gold investment, gold standard, and Bretton Woods system, along with other links within those wiki's. Start piecing it together and you'll understand how scary it all really is.