Getting family support

I know ALL about this as I tried to short Oil last year.....and NO the Mrs. didn't understand....

You should try explaining the unlimited risk of selling in the futures markets. If you're lucky, she won't understand :O
I tried to get my GF to buy barclays shares with her savings (I had none) at 58p a few weeks ago. She had none of it.

198 last time I checked.
Oddly enough the compound effect of coughing up for a new kitchen/bathroom whilst letting her have a look at the trading screens (having a good run right now) seems to have alleviated things.

Seems bribery and being secretive is the only way to go.

I wouldn't even begin to try and explain futures to her. She thinks the concept of a CFD is silly, the market is just plain stupid, that we make/lose money without doing any real work and that we should live in a Utopian world where a 'real' value is placed on shares (this came up last night) and not traded.

I think she is a Communist.
I think she's right, but so long as all this nonsense continues might as well take advantage of it - I do no work whatsoever 😀
I think she's right, but so long as all this nonsense continues might as well take advantage of it - I do no work whatsoever 😀

I'm trying to get to the point of doing no work but I think I'm several thousand hours of screen time away from that right now which is why I need the Missus on side.........hence fripperies are a necessity.