What are the Key Differences Between Successes and Failures?

Oops, sorry I'd forgotten about the stealth edit facilty. Last edit done now I promise.

Yes paradox is the wrong word since one can display polar qualities at different times without it being anything of a conundrum. Even the perenially lazy can run if they see a bear approaching. Both qualities may stem from a single belief anyway. The ability to approach a problem from different perspectives is what I was after, I think.
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TheBramble said:
Good timing.

Good Luck.

Being in the right place at the right time has a higher probability if you're always everywhere. (Absurd, but gets the point across, I hope).

Good fortune is a BIG factor in my opinion and it seems that we really do make our own luck. The platitude that "people get what they wish for" is in most cases sadly true.

I think Wiseman makes some good points. See attached.


Could it be that life is a bit like the marathon -
If one has a sprint in the middle, one soon has to slow down a lot.
TheBramble said:
Very much in general .

Packets from the astroid belt:

Be careful. We are given the reported results with the reported methods. Only extremely loosely should we ever put the reported methods at cause for the results… ( source: the non-article ‘Things your ‘parent ambient’ didn’t know to tell you about Think and Grow Rich’ )

This is marginally off topic (but not off context) but 30% ++ of the rules that ‘work’ for generalized Success must go “POOF” (and that’s really “POOF”!) and be replaced upon entry into the trading arena.

Opportunity is sacrificed for certainty. An example: To the degree you limit the parameters for identifying your system setup (in any activity actually) you correspondingly lock down the number of opportunities identified from the potential population of opportunities. This aligns with earlier comments about fear and CLOSING or OPENING your own ‘list’ to new items. So-

Build your own ‘list’! Base it solely on your own experiences. Apply it daily and go under the hood at least quarterly.

None of your ‘brains’ know how much opportunity you can ‘tolerate’. Stop asking them.

And don’t forget Pareto’s.

Bramble, for a guy to whom such “lists are an abstract” you’ve sure catalyzed and engineered a good base. Whazup with that? You been seducing yourself again? 😛 (or is the word inducing? ) Thanks for a great thread and have a good one! zdo
TheBramble said:
What do you see, feel, think, sense, consider are the key fundamental characteristics of those people you know, or know of, that are Successful and those that are Failures?​
Stalking ability. This includes:
  • Taking the long view, - understanding that situations of low risk/high potential reward come along periodically, and waiting in a relaxed state until one starts to develop.
  • Ability to Focus completely during the pre-pounce phase. Shutting out all non-essential information flow. Achieving a still center.
  • Recognition that an optimum or at least a 'good enough' moment is in progress.
  • Striking prowess, - knowing in advance how much will be risked, and then proceeding fearlessly and instantly.
  • Acknowledging and anticipating the flux that happens 'immediately after the strike'. Accepting the loss of control that inevitably happens during this period of 'not knowing.'
  • Objective evaluation -letting go or taking a deeper bite, according to how things are actually turning out.
  • Return to baseline - keeping perspective that this is just a single pounce, realizing its insignificance in the grand scheme.

LOL...the thread that would not die !

The importance of planning and mindset !

First of all how many people actually have a means of defining "success and failure" within the context of planning ?

From a business start up point of view for instance does the failure to meet a plan always equate to failure ? Of course not !

In such a situation you expect at least some aspect of your plan to fail to meet projections.
Your mindest is already ,or should be ,adjusted to that eventuality and actuality of it is simply a pause if you will while you analsyse performance to make an adjustment to the plan in preparation for the next step...and so on and so forth as the plan goes through a process of refinement that will reflect the reality of achievement that equates to the resources being applied.
Failure as it were only comes about when the process of adjustment is no longer possible because of a lack of resources. Lack of resources may be financial , or emotional.

From this one can see the potential for success is directly related to conservation of resources during the process of refinement whic we could also think of as the accumulation of experience.
TheBramble said:
Really good and useful responses so far. And so many of them! Thank you all.

I can't get back here till early hours (GMT), but I'll do an update/precis when I do so we all know where I think we're at with this.

And don't all you shrinking violets be afriad to challenge my round-ups. I have been known to assume....
Sorry about that. Life went off at a tangent (always exciting) and I will get back to this once I have had a look round the (even more) exciting stuff since my last visit.

In the interim...

Have you ever been just driving along, the same old route, and suddenly found yourself at a place that you can't consciously remember getting to?

Bet you have too.

What happened between the last place you consciously 'remember' being or doing something - consciously - and where you are right now?

What has this got to do with "The Difference Between Success and Failure"?
chump said:
LOL...the thread that would not die!
There's a reason for that.

It's the same reason that ideas that are important don't die. Or people (and members) don't die.

It's important.

If it weren't, we wouldn't be discussing them - again - from a different angle.
What are the Key Differences Between Successes and Failures?
