Bracke,bracke said:KJH
"I have equalisation with the DOW (FTSE-DOW) at 4478. This being the % drop the dow put in after the FTSE index close. Note also this was yesterdays low.
Will be interesting to see if it achieves this level--could warn of strength or lack thereof....."
Can you explain this please.
bracke said:Hooya
Why do you think it is worth going long at some stage ie what is your target - 4555?
Hi Hooya,Hooya said:its having problems imo as techincal it looks oversold in the 5min chart but not in the 10 so there's a bit of conflict at the mo
Thanks for sharing HooyaHooya said:All indicators are set the same for different time frames. 14 for RSi and MACD I use 12,102 and Stochs I use Fib numbers.
KJH said:Bracke,
Just add or subtract the move the dow or S&P makes after the FTSE index closes.
Add or subtrace this in percentage change to the FTSE closing price to give you a level that the FTSE would be 'equal' to the Dj or Snp.
Fluke,Fluke said:KJH.
What method do you use to calculate your measured moves,as you know I am trying to improve my knowledge on this subject,together with ABCD moves.