FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions

Long from 11500. 500 point stop. Investment trade. Markets driven by politics right now. I think this is the buying chance of the year. Looking for 12000 within a few weeks

Forget trying to day trade this.

Good call ffsear, (y)

Nice pump overnight. We're into that 620 pre breakout area now - we had it marked a few days back. No idea where it's going
ok..here is where we stand
the aqua area is our main interest
the pullback to 11414 area yesterday..that was in line with the breakout/res area underneath
latest break out is 11563-11578 area
trend supp at 11548 area
we either break higher..we are in pretty solid res above...that does not mean anything in this market
11590 area prev supp and and a res area otherwise the 11660 horizontal res
market does not know which way to go
all the good news out
possibly waiting for Draghi to speak
after a 1000 point rally ..bulls going to get tested again and again
the move to 11630 is a prev supp om 1 min
predictable so far
An ECB meeting and Greek developments dominate the day's schedule, which is distinctly light on major market moving economic data, even if some attention will be given to the overnight Singapore Exports report (within which the monthly data highlight underlying weakness, notwithstanding the base effect driven rise in the y/y rate), ahead of final Eurozone CPI, US jobless claims and the Philly Fed Manufacturing survey. Otherwise there is another raft of US corporate earnings, among which Citigroup, EBay, Goldman Sachs, Google & UnitedHealth are likely to be the highlights, along with govt bond auctions from France and Spain potentially totalling EUR 15.65 Bln. With respect to Greece, the narrative of ballooning volumes of Pyrrhic victories for the creditor nations and Tsipras continues, with the latter now urgently needing to form a new government or cede power to a technocratic regime, given that opposition parties have already signalled that they will not participate in a Tsipras/Syriza led grand coalition. The ECB will at the very least need to offer some grains of hope with respect to the ELA lending to Greece, either by reducing haircuts or promising an increase in total volume should further measures such as the EFSM bridging loan, and an ESM sponsored recapitalization turn into reality, rather than an agreement "aim". The ECB's assessment of prospects for the Eurozone economy will doubtless be left unchanged, though doubtless couched in terms that highlight a more elevated level of uncertainty due to the Greek crisis. The Q&A will doubtless focus on a) the alleged row between Draghi and Schaeuble; b) doubts about the future of the Eurozone; c) the ECB's role in the crisis; d) Greek debt sustainability - per se it is likely to be a very bumpy ride for Draghi & Co.
from Marc Ostwald
better chart of spx comin
a closer look
spx pulled back to prev breakout point/marked 14

we have now started a new uptrend/aqua

11630 pump to 11660 done and dusted
index does not kno where to go
probably falling into line with new uptrend on spx