As its just dropped back a little from all time high, I have a part confirmation signal short, so I've entered a quarter size position, if this does break down, I will add to make the trade full size when momentum kicks in,
Short DAX @ 12202..... Stop 12215
Hi are they normal MAs?Entry and exit jessie, entry on p2, if the confluence of my set up prevails, (never show my full set up on a public forum!), the single line is my exit line, if I'm still in a trade when it turns I exit, however, if HA remain strong I can use theat to re-enter.
Price to be ahead of breaking through the entry P2, with the "exit line" already established.
Nothing fancy, simple stuff following momentum.
too late in the day for me now, it'll be bl@@dy typical if this bleeds down without a test of my original entry.......ah well profit is profit.... but !!!!!
good luck all
Time to hit the gym, being a long, closed out position for +40.
Good night all