FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions

areas to watch

last time your data feed went mad (on the Dax), it ended up predicting the drop, did it not?! :)

It did at that :eek:. But this time I just thought it funny to break up the handbags with a panic button. :LOL:

But that's 2 false alarms from me now. My trust levels must be low now, won't cry wolf again.
was quick to close that scalp off the 11560 area
missed the move down after

I made a mistake buying at 11567 instead of selling. lucky only 2 units. By the time i got to selling it was 11564 n i scalped off at 11532. still ok for 5 units. Gd call dentist...(IM still reeeling from too much red wine n cocktails last nite):whistling
(n)Bad call for me. Just out at 18048.

I like how you're honest about your losses too, everybody loses and it's all about being transparent when making live calls.

I'm in long at 561, stop just below bottom of the morning 520. Down a bit at the moment.
I like how you're honest about your losses too, everybody loses and it's all about being transparent when making live calls.

I'm in long at 561, stop just below bottom of the morning 520. Down a bit at the moment.

It's part of maturity dude. For me, accepting losses, being honest to myself and not getting dismayed by it helps in my trading. (Of coz, i dont like to have a losing trade n i would hold if i felt the market would turn in my favor soon). Stops losses are a bitch. I normally dont set a stop but if i dont u can be sure i am monitoring it if im in the trade. Well.. gd thing is the market is up now n i can see it hitting my set target at 11650 .

Dont lose faith myattitude! Ive been there before n lost an arm n a leg trading but i have learn a deal on this journey as well.