FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions

Pretty silly of me not to get in at the 11523 level - horizontal resistance line was picture perfect. Ah well. live and you learn
Fret not bro. We face procastination like this everyday. just move on. Plenty of opportunities today;)

Haha you're right. I about to press buy, but I was on the train - I hate trading on the train because my connection always cuts out. By the time my journey was done, market had already moved the other way lool ahh well moving on!
Haha you're right. I about to press buy, but I was on the train - I hate trading on the train because my connection always cuts out. By the time my journey was done, market had already moved the other way lool ahh well moving on!

Ooh... I had that experience many times riding the tube. Was caught out closing a big 20 unit trade once n I ended out bruised out of the money. Tried selling at the top n by the time it got executed... I was 20 pips out of the money.
that was a brilliant observation
Dax was screaming short, divergence and so on
thats how it looks
