FTSE 350 Spreadbet Journal

Always be carefull mate of looming ex-divi dates when going short

Thank you lake_cot, my Admiral position is a long one.
Whats the reason for being careful on ex-div dates when going short?
would it not be good to be short on ex div day?
If you are short the dividend will get charged against you , so depending on how close you are to your stop loss it can either leave you in a precarious postition or worse still stoped out. As i found out when i first started SB. All depends on how well the trade is going for you at the time i suppose and what your stratergy is
If you are short the dividend will get charged against you , so depending on how close you are to your stop loss it can either leave you in a precarious postition or worse still stoped out. As i found out when i first started SB. All depends on how well the trade is going for you at the time i suppose and what your stratergy is

Thank you again lake_cot, I didnt know that.
I am on ADVFN this evening researching for some more trades, for this week.
Do you use SB?
What are your strategies?

Current P/L£30.99
S / R levels and patterns really mate. Also there are a few stocks i tend to watch all the time so have a rough idea of their behaviour
Winners and losers the same as everyone else. Tend to hold positions when spreadbetting for a week , 2 at most. Because i work during the day i tend not to day trade
I havent had much time to research any shares this week, but the Barratt position is in profit at least.
Current P/L £ 34.09
Im still a bit busy to do any added research, however I have moved some of my stops to break even.
Some of my positions were rollercoasting this week, and I have had a few fun calls from what I think are boiler room scams offering me shares at "institutional prices" below market price! The guy even said he was only 27 but didnt need to work any more, he just enjoyed helping people make money!
What nice chaps they are, I mean spending all that time with me on the phone waiting to get my paultry 5K when as he put it had flashing lights on his desk with 6 figure clients just waiting to "jump on"!, it was nice to know he wasnt in it for the money, I dont know why I didnt "jump on"

Current P/L £32.09
My account took a bit of a hammering last week , with my Admiral position getting stopped out from being in profit before. Also my Mondi and Croda positiions have taken a battering, from being in profit.
I need to look closer and see when is a good time to take some profit. I didnt manage my admiral stop loss well either with a nearly 3% loss instead of 2%.
Current P/L £-3.87
Again, I havent had the time to do any research, so Ive not opened up any new positions.
However, stop losses are in place.
I think part of the recent losses, were that I had set a 3:1 risk reward ratio, which is what I have read in several places as for the want of a better word now, "correct". I didnt manage the trades, as in look at each one on a daily basis, and also look at the main indexes, so see the general state of the markets.
I had set my stops, based on risk of % equity, but not really taking in previous S/R levels.
I also didnt set any real plan, other than not to risk any more than 2% of equity in any one trade, so I didnt have any profit targets in place, hoping that the price would keep trading in the general direction of the trade, so wasnt looking to exit on any patterns , S/R levels, but tighten my stop very tight once it got to the 3x risk target. So i left a fair bit of profit on the table, before my postitions turned the other way.

So , what will I change.

Set a time to do research, an hour a day either in the morning of the evening, for new positions to be opened the following day.
A half hour each evening, to check P/L, and monitor the charts of each trade.
Then set stops firstly to previous S/R levels, then adjust equity risk to suit that distance.
Know the difference (which seems obvious now btw) between the probable moves of stocks priced 1000p and others priced 100p and set risk per point move to suit.

If any of you guys out there have some advice on anything from instrument selection, money management, risk reward, research, and trading disipline, I would appreciate any feedback.

Current P/L £5.76
I closed out all my positions today, and just after I had done that, Bloomberg said that the retailers were facing their busiest day yet and wondered should I have left them open, as in would the retailers have lifted my positions, thats if they rose of course.
Anyway I closed out for the holidays because I didnt want to have to face any gaps with leveraged positions and I dont know if I am going to be back home in time this evening. Im not sure if the markets are open tomorrow.
Current P/L £15.33
or just over 3%
of my £500 account.
I wont call Aston just yet.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Looking to get back in after some research.
Trading with IG Index.
Put a Buy Stop order in today on Petrofac (Ticker PFC) at 1470
However I am going to call IG tomorrow with 3 questions.
1. Can the disable my guaranteed stops?
2.What was that big price spike all about on Friday the 25th Feb.
( I noticed it wasnt on the chart on my other platform or the underlying chart)
3. Why is there no bar for Monday the 28th Feb on the daily chart?

If anyone has any insights into this I would appreciate this.

Looking to get back in after some research.
Trading with IG Index.
Put a Buy Stop order in today on Petrofac (Ticker PFC) at 1470
However I am going to call IG tomorrow with 3 questions.
1. Can the disable my guaranteed stops?
2.What was that big price spike all about on Friday the 25th Feb.
( I noticed it wasnt on the chart on my other platform or the underlying chart)
3. Why is there no bar for Monday the 28th Feb on the daily chart?

If anyone has any insights into this I would appreciate this.


I queried IG over some similar spikes I had seen on their quick charts, and they came back stating that these were most likely "bad ticks", and that the charts are "indicative only". They assured me any stop loss order I may have had in such a situation would "not" have been triggered.
I queried IG over some similar spikes I had seen on their quick charts, and they came back stating that these were most likely "bad ticks", and that the charts are "indicative only". They assured me any stop loss order I may have had in such a situation would "not" have been triggered.

Thank you for your reply.

When I queried them about this, they said it was because the LSE brokedown on Friday, which I remember, then I asked why was there no spike on my other platform and on the underlying chart they said they would put me thru to the charts dept.
I asked about the guaranteed stop and they upgraded my account to allow me to disable them if I need to.
When they put me thru to charts I asked why there was no daily bar on the chart for Monday the 28th, and they asked me to send in a screen shot which I did and they replied.

"Thank you for your email. Having checked the charts ourself it does appear that the data for the 28th is missing. We have placed a request with the company that supplies us the charts for them to restore the data."

Iforgot to ask them at charts about the spike, but as you pointed out, I was looking at a quick chart.

Trade Well.