Again, I havent had the time to do any research, so Ive not opened up any new positions.
However, stop losses are in place.
I think part of the recent losses, were that I had set a 3:1 risk reward ratio, which is what I have read in several places as for the want of a better word now, "correct". I didnt manage the trades, as in look at each one on a daily basis, and also look at the main indexes, so see the general state of the markets.
I had set my stops, based on risk of % equity, but not really taking in previous S/R levels.
I also didnt set any real plan, other than not to risk any more than 2% of equity in any one trade, so I didnt have any profit targets in place, hoping that the price would keep trading in the general direction of the trade, so wasnt looking to exit on any patterns , S/R levels, but tighten my stop very tight once it got to the 3x risk target. So i left a fair bit of profit on the table, before my postitions turned the other way.
So , what will I change.
Set a time to do research, an hour a day either in the morning of the evening, for new positions to be opened the following day.
A half hour each evening, to check P/L, and monitor the charts of each trade.
Then set stops firstly to previous S/R levels, then adjust equity risk to suit that distance.
Know the difference (which seems obvious now btw) between the probable moves of stocks priced 1000p and others priced 100p and set risk per point move to suit.
If any of you guys out there have some advice on anything from instrument selection, money management, risk reward, research, and trading disipline, I would appreciate any feedback.
Current P/L £5.76