FTSE 350 Spreadbet Journal

Current P/L £10.03
Some of my previous positions were opened with pending orders, but I have discovered that the spreads my be quite a bit wider in the morning before 9 am, so I have shortlisted a few positions I hope place tomorrow morning after the spreads get back to normal.
My positions are all shorts
Smith and Nephew
Brown Group
Carpet Right, (except the ticker CPR brings up a different company on iii.co.uk)
Game Group
Home retail Group
WH Smith

Shares that i am not going to short tomorrow morning but am keeping an eye on for potential short are
I got stopped out for a loss on my Aquarius Platinum short yesterday

New positions I opened this morning

03/09/2010 Home Retail Group Sep 10 Spread Short 219.24
03/09/2010 DSG International Sep 10 Spread Short 25.08
03/09/2010 Smith and Nephew Sep 10 Spread Short 545.61

I didnt see enough selling pressure in the others I mentioned, however I will check later.

Current P/L£ 4.28
2 new positions
03/09/2010 WH Smith Sep 10 Spread Short 414.24
03/09/2010 N Brown Group plc Sep 10 Spread Short 223.73
also a sell order to for Game group at 67.78
I got stopped out on my Premier Foods short postion for a loss today.
I might need to have smaller positions and looser stops, more study needed.
If anybody has any words of advice or otherwise, I am thick skinned! I would appreciate any feedback.
Current P/L £2.95
Have a great weekend everybody!
I got stopped out for a loss on my WH Smith short position today.
Most of my open positions are in profit so far
Current P/L £4.44
My, Game Group, N Brown and Bellway positions are all in the red.
All the other positions are slightly in the black with the Admiral, Croda and Astrazeneca making good gains.
Current P/L £24.25
Just got stopped out of my Bellway short position for a loss.
Most other positions in the black.
Current P/L £41.68
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Upon studying some of my stopped out positions, I had shorted some shares who's price was falling but the sector they were was rising and sometimes they had rising profits. I will check deeper in future.
I forgot to mention , yesterday my Game Group short order got filled at 67.26, its in a slight loss at the minute.
However the portfolio is up.
Current P/L £43.60
Have a great weekend everybody!
Good morning everyone Current P/L £49.56
This will change however as i will be rolling some positions tomorrow so will be paying some more spread.
Can anyone tell me whether its best to use a forward contract or a rolling spread?
Depends how long you want to hold your positions really.

It's impossible to know how long you'll be in though really, guess the best thing to do is have a look and see which would have been better, and go with that, and continue to review until it's obvious.
Depends how long you want to hold your positions really.

It's impossible to know how long you'll be in though really, guess the best thing to do is have a look and see which would have been better, and go with that, and continue to review until it's obvious.

Thank you Hotch

I have just called the SB company and they have said there is a daily interest charge on the rolling spread if its rolled over, so Id be better going for the next contract, which if I roll over they will charge me half the spread.

Im leaving my positions open until their either stopped out for a loss or reached my profit target and then I leave them open and put a trailing stop in.
I put my initial stop to break even when the price goes through a S/R level thats far enough from my entry, and when I put a trailing stop in I like to lock in about half the profit if I can depending on S/R levels.
I still need to study more and try and figure out , if the trade reaches a profit target, should I close, if I think the move is exhausted or put the trailing stop in, if I think its got more to go. I guess this will come with experience.
Thank you again Hotch

I am a Rookie, and I do like feedback.
I rolled over all my positions to the December contract, as I was still happy with them all, and by rolling over I had to pay only half the spread.
Just going to re-evaulate the portfolio now and move stops etc.
Current P/L 38.62
Have a great weekend.
Does anyone know what happenned to Astrazeneca on Thursday?
I read some analysts downgraded the stock, but I cant understand why?, I havent seen any bad news, except, there seemed to be some shares taken off the market, is this what is called a buy back?
Then on Friday the shares rose a bit, also there was news on Friday that one of their drugs had been approved in the US. Would that have been a "tree shake "on Thursday then?
Anyway the drop on thursday would have hit my stop if I had been in only a couple of days, however I have made a little profit before so I could afford to leave a bit more room, so Im still in.

If someone could shed some light on this for me and put me right I would appreciate that.

Current P/L £24.51
Closed out my Astrazeneca position this morning for a decent enought loss, I shouldnt have let that run against me so far, about £30

Current P/L £8.39
I half expected Astrazeneca to rebound, but they havent, so maybe I should have shorted them, however this could have been a "revenge" trade, so I stayed out to clear my head from that position.
The Croda and Mondi positions did quite well yesterday.

Current P/L £19.82
Ive not had time to research anymore lately, so Im just managing my current positions.
Current P/L £34.02
My Admiral position was worrying me yesterday. But then I read it was Ex Div date, panic over.
however I tightened my stop as it looks more like a double top than a higher high.