FTSE 100 - March

thats meant to read shouldnt go below 4500..god my typing is shocking:)

No unfortunately I was in the shower. But at least I smell nice now
Jonny...how can you have 3 losers on the DAx...its only 10am and its been trading in a 20pt range? Were you scalping?

Got the same. Make this wave C?


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on a 60 min chart yes??? a 102ma makes it a nice round 12 day ma if my maths is correct?
<b>Right...question time:- Obviously fib numbers are widely used in trading. Has anyone come across the use of the no 6 or its products i.e 12,18, etc. Its obviously its a fraction of time but what about price??? The only thing I can really find of any use about the no 6 is:-

"is a triangular number, meaning that it is the sum of a group of consecutive integers starting with 1 (in this case, 1+2+3). Other triangular numbers are obviously 10, 15, 21, and so on."

"6 is called a perfect number since it has the unusual property that the sum of all its factors (excluding itself) equals itself, i.e., 1+2+3 = 6. Only a handful of perfect numbers are known to exist. The next one is 28 (1+2+4+7+14), and the one after that is much larger."</b>
First time i came across perfect numbers is when i read Fermats Last Theorem by Simon Singh...i think they were used as part of the solution
Na....Just like numbers.....looks like a bear flag...starting to wonder if its a 5 wave down instead of 3 (to complete a 3-3-5)???? Wot day think?
I'll be honest...I havent got a clue?? but my 10 min chart has turned and the rsi broken its trendline..so I guess we go up until we dont??... No doubt $ is in the driving seat
Falling 1 day SMA appears to be acting as resistance today. Obvious to Bonsai, but useful information nevertheless.
That last dax down put me 37.5 Euros up.I think it may fall further?
well I will be looking for another long into the close. from where who knows


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