Phew, that was a nervous last hour of play.
Blimey, bonsai, even I'm not daft enough to think of trading
ftse on the basis of old wives tales about the DOW.
Just wondering if there was any %age in shorting (or vice versa)
ftse on the close and opening an opposite position on the DOW
for the remainder of their day - in volatile circumstances, of
course. If the DOW soared ftse short would be covered, if DOW
tanked you'd be stopped out and ftse short would come good
on opening. The major risk would be the DOW soaring after you
had been stopped out. The secondary risks would be that ftse
did gap open commensurate with the movement in the DOW
and/or that there was sufficient volatility.
As I said - probably a fools quest.
......fools, blockheads, duffers, idiots, dunderheads, dullards,
blunderers, I alone far exceed them all in folly and the want
of sense - plautus
ps: happy anniversary, Hooya, from me also