FTSE 100 Intraday - December

still looking at this


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if 73/76 then no spread would be market at 74.5

ok but if you are trading the macd/1 day, dont abandon the system but ADD to it.
One of the turning points will be the right one !

Elliott, for example ? or trend lines or gaps or Fibs etc.

for example, we may now have hit previous 4th of the rally from 4360
Bonsai, Certaintly not abandoning it, just employing dynamic position sizing depending on the clarity/conviction of the signal.
Hooya, I'm confused. You are making an assumption that you know the direction of a traders expectation. A smaller spread doesn't change a traders 'expectatiion' (wrong word but you know what I mean) only allows him to facilitate cheaper execution (so possibly encouraging more trades.
Bonsai, ok I get you point but at that time iwas refering to Market price and CmC quote
Mully, But would that increase in volume and the ease of entry and exit in a now zero sum game, what effect would it have on thge movement of the market....none, little?

ok thanks. In my relatively short time having a go at ftse I've yet
to see a marked difference twixt index and quote (mind you I'm
not looking all the time).

so ta "works" on ftse because when it hits a support level, say,
enough traders think it's cheap and buy their basket of shares
causing a bounce? (and trackers and general traders). Sort of
second-hand supply and demand.

good trading


ps closed out mks this am
The fall to 4360 seems to be 5 waves.
So JP would tell you that the trend is down.

watch for a fail of this rally around the 1 day mark ?

but the counter rally to 4402 also seems to be 5 waves.
so a break above the 1 day could be tasty.
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I guess they might like to fill the gap before doing anything else?

edit: assuming a gap up in auction and gap down at open constitutes gap...I remeber we had one of those a few months back and it took a week or so to fill, but we are much closer to it this time.
you should have taken your profit on that small rally and now await developments.
Hope you have been watching the FTSE250. Very close to challenging its 2003 peak. Giving a much clearer picture of the London Market.


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However, position of MACD suggests it may find it hard to breakthrough immediately
If the Superbowl theory holds up, we may be in for a rocky December ?

a long way to fall ?
I was thinking about that the other day...I was waiting for you to bring it up🙂

and the theory of a decline in January usually says the FTSE should Finish down too?
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This field is getting crowded ?

if the rally off 4360 was an A
then we may have finished B this morning
so a pull back through the 1 day may signal a C.
another look at 4400 hooya ?
an a=c would keeps us in the wedge

and 1.68XA would make a slight newer high but still in a larger wedge
however its right to be short now the 1 day is broken until something happens.