from poker player to day trader


Hey Guys,

I am trying to transition from poker to trading stocks . I've done a decent amount of research, looked at various prop firms and education sites.(capital traders group, t3, smb, broadstreet, pristine trading, etc). I recently finished building a foundation for technical analysis and did a mentorship under a well known trader, and just finished my paper trading training. I am going to start my journey with an initial risk unit of $5. Check out my blog/journal if you have the time. I will be detailing my progress and entire experience.

good luck D........

if you were a good poker player.....then you have a shot

just dont believe the hype........

The very best of luck to you Duyle.
I strongly feel that there is no coincidence that some of
the best hedge fund managers are also some of the best poker players.
Looking forward to watching this play out.
good luck D........

if you were a good poker player.....then you have a shot

just dont believe the hype........


if you're a crap poker player you still have a shot

g/l duyle
The very best of luck to you Duyle.
I strongly feel that there is no coincidence that some of
the best hedge fund managers are also some of the best poker players.
Looking forward to watching this play out.

There are some excellent traders who are also magnificent piano players but l don't see any connection between the two. Trading hasn't helped my piano playing at all.

Good luck duyle27.
Nice unit risk. I can imagine that is a very small piece of account. If you have risk correct right out of the gate, then your chances are much better.

Bonne chance
Hey bro, this thread JUMPED out at me, this summer i took a goal of grinding from 2nl upwards and got my br really high compared to my initial br, have the br for 16nl and close to 25nl. however uni started again now so only studying, and im thinking is trading i could do something too.

Seriously interested in seeing your results, hope to see some nice graphs, maybe if you have time
you could workout some bb/100 winnings ahhaahahah joking 🙂

GL at the Trading floors