free / sat 29 jan 2011

he said it was SIGNED; he didnt say it was signed by Livermore.

For all we know, it was signed by one of the Chuckle brothers.

I saw the Chuckle brothers in my neck of the woods just before Xmas. On asking for their autograph there was a terrible whiff of Pear Drops, but I persisted up until the point they started with all that 'To Me - To You' malarky. Well, I just walked away as I was quite pushed busy wise and I could sense it was going to go on for some time.

10,000 hours?
Wow - that's 5 years work full time, 40 hours a week with only 2 weeks holidays a year.

If you seriously think you can achieve any sort of consistancy or long term success in any less time you are living on the moon.
If you seriously think you can achieve any sort of consistancy or long term success in any less time you are living on the moon.

If you think anyone on this planet has actually put in 10,000 hours developing a trading method, then you are in for a very big dissapointment at about hour 10,001.
If you think anyone on this planet has actually put in 10,000 hours developing a trading method, then you are in for a very big dissapointment at about hour 10,001.

10,000 hrs is equivalent to 8hrs/day for 40 weeks a year for 6.25yrs. To the extent your trading edge encompasses all you know about your particular trading style/markets it is traded, on to the current point, anyone who has traded it/developed it over 6.25years has put in 10,000 hours. doing so.

If you think anyone on this planet has actually put in 10,000 hours developing a trading method, then you are in for a very big dissapointment at about hour 10,001.

You really do make me laugh. I passed the 10,000 hour barrier some considerable time ago.
Glad you find it funny.

The comedy on this thread made me laugh too.

Sadly - some are taking it seriously.
10,000 hrs is 5.2 years working 7hrs 35 mins 6 days a week, 4 weeks a months for 11 months a year

I was thinking of something a little more macabre - TD did the signing using Livemores hand.

Lets ignore the fact that it was Edwin Lefevre who wrote ROASO and not Livermore 😉

As for BBMAC's edge.. at 90% win rate and 1:1, this is no ordinary edge, it is what is known in the industry as a Holy Grail edge.. Now all BBMAC needs to do is learn to trade at £1000 a pip (if he isnt already).

BTW, 10,000 hours can be done in less than 2 years if you have no life. But Stewart seemed like he was a normal balanced bloke, so it probably took him 5+ years.
the 10,000 hours thing is a bit misleading.

the book (outliers) says 10,000 hrs to be bill gates or an NHL ice hockey player or an expert in your field. that isnt what you need in trading, you dont have to be the best. you just have to be better than the losers, like the thing about running away from a lion in a jungle. dont run faster than the lion, run faster than the fat bloke 😆

anyway it really is all the pareto principal. 80% what you are doing 20% how long you are doing it.

you can spend 10000hrs looking for magic rules and things from indicators on graphs and get nowhere, or you can spend 1000 hrs (5hrs a day 5 days a week 10 months a year) learning in good ways and be ahead of the other 10000hr person.
this is no ordinary edge, it is what is known in the industry as a Holy Grail edge..

"They’re thieves. They’re thieves, they’re filthy little thieves. Where is it? Where is it? They stole it from us. My Precious. Curse them, we hates them! It’s ours it is, and we wants it..."

Hi bbmac,

I'm having some difficulty with interpreting the stop positioning
in your doc...

i think you are saying that the stop should be at point A (lime colored line)
or is it B (Red line) given where the example price is currently:?:

trail stop qn.gif
Hi bbmac,

I'm having some difficulty with interpreting the stop positioning
in your doc...

i think you are saying that the stop should be at point A (lime colored line)
or is it B (Red line) given where the example price is currently:?:

View attachment 101942

Hi, ideally given where price is on the chart, stop at point a as the hi above point b is breeched to the trail one valley before last in an uptrend, one peak before last in a downtrend. ..others will do it differently, there is no absolute way to do it.

For my part I spent an hour or two yesterday making some backtest reviews in various different timeframes to see where and whether I could actually see divergence on the MACD (something I have never looked at before.) It does crop up more often than I had expected. As to whether I could see it in real time that is another matter entirely. But for me its a begining of opening my eyes to alternative indicators / confluence and timeframes. It will be quite a while before I attempt trades on a different technique / TF that I am used to - I tend to be a demo tester before jumping in.