ForexMorningTrade System

I can’t believe I’ve just read this, name me a martingale trader that’s still trading …????

The simple mechanics of trading is to protect capital, what your saying is add to a losing trade?

Sorry if I sound grumpy, no offence etc, but that is just utter madness.

LOL might as well go CASINO
The EA move the SL and not me. I woke up in the morning to find out I was stopped out at 1.56749.
Hi nurei
i cant help you on this subject i manually trade but few names that can Gil,Fab and bluedancer

I put the TS on my own and not with the EA.
But I don't suggest to follow me in the TS matters.
If I put it at 15 it is hit and then the price retraces and then go back in right direction till it reaches TP;
if I put it at 20 or more it is not enough to save my back and my full SL is taken by the price's retracement.

Maybe I need an exorcism...
The EA move the SL and not me. I woke up in the morning to find out I was stopped out at 1.56749.


I dont use the Robot. In the forum it seems others have trouble with it as well from time to time.

Bt looking at the settings default SL 40 TP 40 and BE 24 means that once in a trade the BE will only kick in once you are 24pips in profit. Even if the price went to 39 pips profit it still breaks even if it retraces back to entry price.

Notice that the default setting for Trailing Stop is 0

If you set the TS to 40 it would have no effect. By the time it activated you would be out of the trade.

If you set the TS to less than 40 then my understanding that if the pips moved into loss, I run the danger of being stopped out in loss as you seemed to have been.

I think the idea with the TS to 40 and TP more than 40

Hope this makes sence. Maybe somebody who uses EA can explain better

Hi I am not sure of your time zone, but I think your trailing stop got hit. The trailing stop kicks in right away with the trade and follows pip by pip. So it had gone positive down to 1.5631 or so and your trailing stop was 40 pips behind plus the spread, to make it 1.56749. Since you did not yet hit 24 pips of profit, which would have been 515-240= 1.56275 minus spread, it had never gone to BE.

hope this helps,


Hi Bluedancer,

My setting on the EA is: ProfitTargetPips=80, StopLossPips=40, BreakEvenAtPipsProfit=24, TrailingStopPips=40.

The EA entered a sell at 1.5651 and then the market headed higher to to 1.5685 (34pips higher against me) and then it drop back to 1.5651 and then went down to low of 1.5633 (17pip down into my favor). So, the market never went 24pips postive for my EA to move the SL to BE.

My questions is, does the EA move the SL to BE from your entry price once it reaches positive 24pips. The reason I ask is my trade enter at 1.5651 and the SL got moved to 1.5675 and the TP remain at the same level at 1.5571.

Since the market never went 24pips into my favor, I can understand why it did not move my SL into BE, but why did the EA move my SL to 1.5675, which is 24pips lost.

I don't know whats going on. Im using the EA with default trailing stop settings, and it's not tradng. last week it was working fine. On tuesdays trade it closed with 0 profit, and last night it gave no signal, therefor no trade. I noticed some of you were not happy with the way the markets went. Haven't heard from Mark lately.
Hi I am not sure of your time zone, but I think your trailing stop got hit. The trailing stop kicks in right away with the trade and follows pip by pip. So it had gone positive down to 1.5631 or so and your trailing stop was 40 pips behind plus the spread, to make it 1.56749. Since you did not yet hit 24 pips of profit, which would have been 515-240= 1.56275 minus spread, it had never gone to BE.

Hi. I'm a newbie, who was also confused about this, so I took switched mid-trade to manual. However, Alpari-US customer service told me that I could enter both the stop and the trailing stop and the TP would kick in once the trade moved into profits. I tend to doubt this, so I'd like to hear others' war stories.

Also, I'd prefer to trade this on Alpari direct, since the spread is much lower. The in-and-out spreads on Alpari's MT4 GBPUSB will be quite costly over the long haul, so I'm hoping someone evolves a good manual system. I just started, so I don't have any results, but I think I will be drawing channels on the M5 and M15 charts to place moving stops. This means a long night, so I hope the EA evolves a less troublesome stop system.
Hi Bluedancer,

My setting on the EA is: ProfitTargetPips=80, StopLossPips=40, BreakEvenAtPipsProfit=24, TrailingStopPips=40.

The EA entered a sell at 1.5651 and then the market headed higher to to 1.5685 (34pips higher against me) and then it drop back to 1.5651 and then went down to low of 1.5633 (17pip down into my favor). So, the market never went 24pips postive for my EA to move the SL to BE.

My questions is, does the EA move the SL to BE from your entry price once it reaches positive 24pips. The reason I ask is my trade enter at 1.5651 and the SL got moved to 1.5675 and the TP remain at the same level at 1.5571.

Since the market never went 24pips into my favor, I can understand why it did not move my SL into BE, but why did the EA move my SL to 1.5675, which is 24pips lost.


Nurei - this EXACT same thing happened to me as well??? Does anyone have any explanation for this? My SL last night was -24 pips??? As I understand it, the EA should not stop out at -24 pips? The 24 setting is where the SL moves to BE? Can someone confirm on this?? If you use the reccomended settings from Mark (default + ProfitTargetPips: 80 and TrailingStopPips: 40), the trade can only end in 1 of 3 ways.

1. SL of -40 pips
2. BE
3. TP of 40 pips or higher with the trail

Am I correct here?? Please advise.
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Nurei - this EXACT same thing happened to me as well??? Does anyone have any explanation for this? My SL last night was -24 pips??? As I understand it, the EA should not stop out at -24 pips? The 24 setting is where the SL moves to BE? Can someone confirm on this?? If you use the reccomended settings from Mark (default + ProfitTargetPips: 80 and TrailingStopPips: 40), the trade can only end in 1 of 3 ways.

1. SL of -40 pips
2. BE
3. TP of 24 pips or higher with the trail

Am I correct here?? Please advise.

From my understanding of TSL, your item 3 should be "TP of 16 pips or higher with trail".
Nurei - this EXACT same thing happened to me as well??? Does anyone have any explanation for this? My SL last night was -24 pips??? As I understand it, the EA should not stop out at -24 pips? The 24 setting is where the SL moves to BE? Can someone confirm on this?? If you use the reccomended settings from Mark (default + ProfitTargetPips: 80 and TrailingStopPips: 40), the trade can only end in 1 of 3 ways.

1. SL of -40 pips
2. BE
3. TP of 40 pips or higher with the trail

Am I correct here?? Please advise.

I think you are correct based on my understanding. There must be a bug in the EA.
Nurei - this EXACT same thing happened to me as well??? Does anyone have any explanation for this? My SL last night was -24 pips??? As I understand it, the EA should not stop out at -24 pips? The 24 setting is where the SL moves to BE? Can someone confirm on this?? If you use the reccomended settings from Mark (default + ProfitTargetPips: 80 and TrailingStopPips: 40), the trade can only end in 1 of 3 ways.

1. SL of -40 pips
2. BE
3. TP of 40 pips or higher with the trail

Am I correct here?? Please advise.

From the setting Mark had recommended, it should have been either stopped out at -40pips or TP=80pips. Since the market had never reached a positive 24pips for the EA to ever moved the SL to BE because the market only moved in our favor as high as only 17pips or so.


I also try and grade each trade signal which is a work in progress.

With the indicators starting to reverse soon after the signal, this morning's signal felt like a coin toss. I'm too new to understand the strength of Mark's range. Normally, I like to flow into the upper third of a defined or partially defined channel, instead of jumping into the chop. To take the trade, I dropped to a .05 lot.
Hi Guys. Nurei, I think that the TP, can be +40 pips or higher. Can someone please confirm?? Here are the settings being utilized...


Based on that, i believe that the trade can ONLY end in 1 of 3 scenarios.

1. Stop Loss: -40 pips
2. Break Even: 0 pips
3. Take Profit: +40 pips or more.

I hope that I am correct here on the TP. That it can be 40 pips or more. Not neccissarily 80 pips. But either way, I think that we all agree, that a stop loss should never hit at -24 pips as it did with the EA last night for many of us. It could possibly be a bug. I have inquired with Mark about this. If its a bug, I hope there is a new version soon.

Interestingly, the SL was -24 pips, and coincidentally "24" is also the positive number in pips in which the BE is supposed to be moved to. My guess is that there could be some glitch in the code or trade logic where 24 is also being used as a SL as well as the BE moving point? Could be just coincidence though too. Thoughts??
Hi Guys. Nurei, I think that the TP, can be +40 pips or higher. Can someone please confirm?? Here are the settings being utilized...


Based on that, i believe that the trade can ONLY end in 1 of 3 scenarios.

1. Stop Loss: -40 pips
2. Break Even: 0 pips
3. Take Profit: +40 pips or more.

I hope that I am correct here on the TP. That it can be 40 pips or more. Not neccissarily 80 pips. But either way, I think that we all agree, that a stop loss should never hit at -24 pips as it did with the EA last night for many of us. It could possibly be a bug. I have inquired with Mark about this. If its a bug, I hope there is a new version soon.

Interestingly, the SL was -24 pips, and coincidentally "24" is also the positive number in pips in which the BE is supposed to be moved to. My guess is that there could be some glitch in the code or trade logic where 24 is also being used as a SL as well as the BE moving point? Could be just coincidence though too. Thoughts??

The TP is the best recommended by Mark is TP=80. So, if the market ever reach a 40pips positive gain, then the TSL will kick in and move pip for pip until it reaches 80pip target and will exit the trade. I sent Mark and email also and I believe something is not right with the EA. I update you once hearing back from Mark.


With the indicators starting to reverse soon after the signal, this morning's signal felt like a coin toss. I'm too new to understand the strength of Mark's range. Normally, I like to flow into the upper third of a defined or partially defined channel, instead of jumping into the chop. To take the trade, I dropped to a .05 lot.

Hi ihelfman
Mark system is designed to give you approx 100pts a month on a 1 to 1,risk-reward ratio,if you do the back test you will see it has hit target for the last 2yrs(and hopefully more to come for us all)this system is a set and forget its only that we are able to watch we all moan and groan and bitch with each other cos we ve got nothing to do,just follow the rules and we will be fine,i did the same at the beginning getting cross signals from my own method and not taking Marks signal(over thinking)and his signal came in(sods law)