ForexMorningTrade System

Ya - news about France is MIXED results. news about German is BAD results. So that's why generally European strength is no so good = GU went down just now. Just.
bluedancer seems a little quiet today ... maybe she has a dollar each way!:whistling

hmm... not sure of the wave count right now so I hedged my trade and will come back to it later.. nice to see you guys include me even though I was not here!! was out watching my daughter sing in a reggae band so are you guys in a buy or a sell?
hmm... not sure of the wave count right now so I hedged my trade and will come back to it later.. nice to see you guys include me even though I was not here!! was out watching my daughter sing in a reggae band so are you guys in a buy or a sell?

Hi Blue we are in a sell but if i was you go and watch your daughter again,more entertain then the marets today


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