ForexMorningTrade System

At alpari 6:15 (UKTIME) got out at -45 pips 🙁

Sorry at Alpari UK I've configured 7:15, wasn't it suposed to be at 7:15 Alpari's uk time?

My friend, how could you?

6-15 on Alpari UK was BE + 5.
6-30 scalp was the full TP = +10?

15 pips today for me.
And I did not want to take the trade because.......
My friend, how could you?

6-15 on Alpari UK was BE + 5.
6-30 scalp was the full TP = +10?

15 pips today for me.
And I did not want to take the trade because.......

I got:
-45 on Alpai UK .... How things can vary...!
BE+5 on Think Forex
+10 on the scalp on Alpari UK
At alpari 6:15 (UKTIME) got out at -45 pips 🙁

Sorry at Alpari UK I've configured 7:15, wasn't it suposed to be at 7:15 Alpari's uk time?

If you use Alpari UK, 7-15 is correct, actually that is 6-15 UK time and as stated in the manual.
I got:
-45 on Alpai UK .... How things can vary...!
BE+5 on Think Forex
+10 on the scalp on Alpari UK

Was very touch an go today and I suspect that yes even same broker today may have had slightly different results cause we talking about the market literally just going 25 pips. So the difference came in entry and a couple of 5 decimal places on entry(1/10th of a pip) could of been the difference between BE and SL. And so now we probably talking Speed of internet connection and other factors that may have gotten you in ever so slightly later or earlier.

For me personally, although I trade the recommended settings (well kind of) I set my BE to 24 and not 25 so I have no idea whether it would of been a loss or not on my brokers.

06:15 (Live accounts)
45/25(24)/35/5 ---- Alpari Uk +5
40/25(24)/30/5 -----Think Fx +5

06:30 (Live account)
40/10 -------SLM +10
My friend, how could you?

6-15 on Alpari UK was BE + 5.
6-30 scalp was the full TP = +10?

15 pips today for me.
And I did not want to take the trade because.......

Hi Euro_d

I have made a conscience decision to trade every day without any intervention, I tried playing around with certain indicators on my live account in May and found the account had a negative balance at the end of the month, whereas I have a demo account that trades without any intervention and was up for May, ever so slight. So from now on I will trade a "set and forget" strategy as intervening is slowing my account progression 🙂
Hi Euro_d

I have made a conscience decision to trade every day without any intervention, I tried playing around with certain indicators on my live account in May and found the account had a negative balance at the end of the month, whereas I have a demo account that trades without any intervention and was up for May, ever so slight. So from now on I will trade a "set and forget" strategy as intervening is slowing my account progression 🙂

Isn't that called trading the strategy? Not many actually do that.
May was for sure a losing month now matter how you spin it....I don't know how MF could have got a profit without straying from the system!!

Looks like another loss we are heading for today...

I Bet that MF has a winner/ BE+ today ..... still waiting for things to wash out - in the long run that is...😛
FMT for me this morning, (45-35-25-5)

6:15, short signal, hit SL -45 pips
6:30, short signal, hit SL -46 pips
6:45, short signal, hit TP +26 pips (35-25-15-0)

total today -65 pips..
I'm new to FMT but have been trading for a while. I use Forex Calendar to see if there is a news item coming up and like this morning, I took the +5 prior to the news so did not get stopped out. Some of these news items cause big swings so I try to get out at BE or better before they break. In fact as much as 15 mins before. I hope this link works
SL again -38

FMT Account : £809 (-19.1%)

I'm close to giving up on it like MF already has.

20% drawdown in a trading system that's going to create decent returns is quite normal, however typically the trader understands their "edge" and knows why their trading methodolgy will work in the long run. Do you know what the "edge" is in FMT? and why it will continue through different market conditions?
I personally would not trade a system I don't fully understand the "edge" to.
SL again -38

FMT Account : £809 (-19.1%)

I'm close to giving up on it like MF already has.

interesting quote over at weekly update for 23-27 May. The guy has been hyping the system just about every week since September 2010 but now he has decided to "stop trading this system for now" ostensibly because he is fed up getting up so early every day -- hmmmm........ I wonder:?:
MF claims a "SMALL" percent of profit for the month of May 2% - jeez what a load of %^$%#^*(&(& 👎 😡