ForexMorningTrade System

Remraf Hi, thats interesting because it implies all your visible indicators told you a trade was on? Mine certainly did not, not even close! Chris 😕

Absolutely, was not LCF, the other indicators were at variance so even without LCF, there was no trade, by a long margin!
Absolutely, was not LCF, the other indicators were at variance so even without LCF, there was no trade, by a long margin!

Indicators on the 2 candles before the reversing 6.00 one would have indicated a very marginal LONG signal I think
Guys, a short extract from Marks journal below shows a No Trade yesterday - I got a trade, did anyone get a No Trade, only thing I can think of is his long candle filter kicked in as the results seem skewed. 😕

Weekly summary
2 profits, 1 BE
the week ended with +76.3 pips profit.
Weekly summary
1 profit, 1 BE
the week ended with +42.25 pips profit.

30th May – NO TRADE 30th May – NO TRADE
31st May – NO TRADE 31st May – NO TRADE
Guys, a short extract from Marks journal below shows a No Trade yesterday - I got a trade, did anyone get a No Trade, only thing I can think of is his long candle filter kicked in as the results seem skewed. 😕

Weekly summary
2 profits, 1 BE
the week ended with +76.3 pips profit.
Weekly summary
1 profit, 1 BE
the week ended with +42.25 pips profit.

30th May – NO TRADE 30th May – NO TRADE
31st May – NO TRADE 31st May – NO TRADE
It's really, REALLY, strange! Long on ATC Brokers and FXDD live, both at 8:15 & 8:30 brokers' time yesterday. The long trades were stopped out, of course.

What exactly is the long candle filter, by the way. I cannot find the long candles prior to the above mentioned trading time.
Guys, a short extract from Marks journal below shows a No Trade yesterday - I got a trade, did anyone get a No Trade, only thing I can think of is his long candle filter kicked in as the results seem skewed. 😕

Weekly summary
2 profits, 1 BE
the week ended with +76.3 pips profit.
Weekly summary
1 profit, 1 BE
the week ended with +42.25 pips profit.

30th May – NO TRADE 30th May – NO TRADE
31st May – NO TRADE 31st May – NO TRADE

I had a definite BUY on both my demo accounts, fortunately got out manually at BE though
Guys, a short extract from Marks journal below shows a No Trade yesterday - I got a trade, did anyone get a No Trade, only thing I can think of is his long candle filter kicked in as the results seem skewed. 😕

Weekly summary
2 profits, 1 BE
the week ended with +76.3 pips profit.
Weekly summary
1 profit, 1 BE
the week ended with +42.25 pips profit.

30th May – NO TRADE 30th May – NO TRADE
31st May – NO TRADE 31st May – NO TRADE

Hi Pod,

I got no trade and looking at the experts tab, it was ATR. HOWEVER, I trade TMT at 6-15 so my results are not totally relevant.
Trade FMT scalp at 6-30

Remraf, agreed re 6-00 sig.
Stop loss -45 pips hit today (using Marc Fric's standard settings).
Yesterday, no trade.
Interestingly, on Friday, I hit a stop loss as well - However, Marc claims a profit for the same!!! It would be interesting to see his results today.

Like I was wondering, Fric reported a 'no trade' for May 31 - thereby enhancing his "live results" overall. It IS getting to be more and more interesting :whistling
Like I was wondering, Fric reported a 'no trade' for May 31 - thereby enhancing his "live results" overall. It IS getting to be more and more interesting :whistling gives the best alternative trading log that I can find to supplement the author's and I find the results are accurate. Friday was definitely a win in my records for FMT3 but not for other settings. Hence Mark Fric woul have added 35 pips that day.
Tuesday was a clear buy for most people, as it looked such a strong signal; but I did hear that the Long Candle Filter prevented a few from getting into a loss making situation, and seeing as Mark Fric engages it that's why he would not have traded nor lost money like many others - myself included.
Nothing fishy is going on in my opinion.

Results for MAY 2010 (06.15 starts, ADR and Long Candle Filters not used)
Deserteagle -153
FMT3 -10
FMT2 -210
FMT1 -240 (The current FMT recommendation FMT3 behaved least badly)
10/40 -90
28/40 -164

DesertEagle +315
FMT2 170
FMT1 240
10/40 250
20/40 160
28/40 268
Like I was wondering, Fric reported a 'no trade' for May 31 - thereby enhancing his "live results" overall. It IS getting to be more and more interesting :whistling

I noticed that as well as I had a loss of -45. The indicators didn't seem close for Alpari US for to be broker price drift. gives the best alternative trading log that I can find to supplement the author's and I find the results are accurate. Friday was definitely a win in my records for FMT3 but not for other settings. Hence Mark Fric woul have added 35 pips that day.
Tuesday was a clear buy for most people, as it looked such a strong signal; but I did hear that the Long Candle Filter prevented a few from getting into a loss making situation, and seeing as Mark Fric engages it that's why he would not have traded nor lost money like many others - myself included.
Nothing fishy is going on in my opinion.

Results for MAY 2010 (06.15 starts, ADR and Long Candle Filters not used)
Deserteagle -153
FMT3 -10
FMT2 -210
FMT1 -240 (The current FMT recommendation FMT3 behaved least badly)
10/40 -90
28/40 -164

DesertEagle +315
FMT2 170
FMT1 240
10/40 250
20/40 160
28/40 268

Thanks Wise. Just for the records, I do trade using the exact same settings as Marc's,including the Long candle filter.
Turned ON FMT this morning but NO TRADE on all 3 of my start times.

Will try again tomorrow

good luck !..
HI. As I am new I am running FMT as described in the manual ant there was no trade for me.
I would expect it was the long candle which kept me out.
Remraf Hi, thats interesting because it implies all your visible indicators told you a trade was on? Mine certainly did not, not even close! Chris 😕

In fact, for me, they were opposite for 1 hr 15 minutes from 6:00 - 7:15. The filter had nothing to do with it, just opposite signals.
Stats for 05-31-2011

Live Accounts:

FMT 4.3, EA standard settings: 45 SL, 25 BE, +5 BE, 35 TP
6:15 UK Time, FXSolutions..., Long/Loss......, -46.0, Stats since 11-08-2010: Total= -16.0
6:15 UK Time, IBFX.........., Long/Loss......, -45.2, Stats since 01-04-2011: Total= +178.2
6:15 UK Time, PFG Best......, No Trade......., 0.0, Stats since 03-01-2011: Total= -29.6

Demo Accounts:

FMT 4.3, EA standard settings: 45 SL, 25 BE, +5 BE, 35 TP
6:15 UK Time, PFG Best......, Long/Loss......, -45.3, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +287.9
6:15 UK Time, FXCM.........., Long/Loss......, -43.6, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +402.9
6:15 UK Time, Alpari(US)...., Long/Loss......, -46.6, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +354.8
6:15 UK Time, FXDD.........., Long/Loss......, -45.4, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +280.6


All pip totals include slippage
FXSolutions is the only dealing desk broker
I emptied all of my accounts over the weekend just so I could be one of the first to buy Russ Horn's new thingy. Or is is Mark Fric's new thingy?


Interesting. Eight letters.

Interesting that we put so much time, energy, faith and money behind men that we have never met, can't prove exist, or may not even exist.

Russ Horn sounds like he is from the West, but his mailing address is some Eastern Bloc country. Interesting.

Why do all Forex websites look the same? Just one long page or different fonts and colors, all saying the same thing? It's almost as though they come from the same person, or region, or something. Just interesting.

Oh, and NO TRADE for me this morning.
Guys, it would be nice to have some feedback regarding Russ Horns new system, seeing Mark has endorsed it I see no reason why we can't discuss it on this forum. I personally haven't bought it, but if it is as good as it says on the tin then let us know, just to gimmicky for my liking, but I am willing to eat humble pie if it is a good system :idea: gives the best alternative trading log that I can find to supplement the author's and I find the results are accurate. Friday was definitely a win in my records for FMT3 but not for other settings. Hence Mark Fric woul have added 35 pips that day.
Tuesday was a clear buy for most people, as it looked such a strong signal; but I did hear that the Long Candle Filter prevented a few from getting into a loss making situation, and seeing as Mark Fric engages it that's why he would not have traded nor lost money like many others - myself included.
Nothing fishy is going on in my opinion.

Results for MAY 2010 (06.15 starts, ADR and Long Candle Filters not used)
Deserteagle -153
FMT3 -10
FMT2 -210
FMT1 -240 (The current FMT recommendation FMT3 behaved least badly)
10/40 -90
28/40 -164

DesertEagle +315
FMT2 170
FMT1 240
10/40 250
20/40 160
28/40 268

Agreed. Good to see you back Wise 🙂
Guys, it would be nice to have some feedback regarding Russ Horns new system, seeing Mark has endorsed it I see no reason why we can't discuss it on this forum. I personally haven't bought it, but if it is as good as it says on the tin then let us know, just to gimmicky for my liking, but I am willing to eat humble pie if it is a good system :idea:

Save a slice for me! 😉