ForexMorningTrade System

Stats for 05-26-2011

Live Accounts:

FMT 4.3, EA standard settings: 45 SL, 25 BE, +5 BE, 35 TP
6:15 UK Time, FXSolutions..., Long/Profit......, +37.0, Stats since 11-08-2010: Total= -6.0
6:15 UK Time, IBFX.........., Long/Profit......, +35.1, Stats since 01-04-2011: Total= +187.9
6:15 UK Time, PFG Best......, Long/Profit......, +36.3, Stats since 03-01-2011: Total= -65.4

Demo Accounts:

FMT 4.3, EA standard settings: 45 SL, 25 BE, +5 BE, 35 TP
6:15 UK Time, PFG Best......, Long/Profit......, +35.6, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +297.8
6:15 UK Time, FXCM.........., Long/Profit......, +36.6, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +410.1
6:15 UK Time, Alpari(US)...., Long/Profit......, +35.0, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +290.8
6:15 UK Time, FXDD.........., Long/Profit......, +35.5, Stats since 02-01-2011: Total= +290.8


All pip totals include slippage
FXSolutions is the only dealing desk broker
Move > 60 pips from 'midnight', no trade for me. (ADR on FMT). Gives a slight advantage (according to backtests - which are great in hindsight!!) Good luck all!

Regards, Chris
My apologies Remaf, I read that the wrong way round - Thought you meant WA has moved on and not the sexy lot....😱

No need to apologise, probably the way I wrote it that misled you - just to confirm WA is in my view the sage of the forum, whose postings I've always found to be spot-on and one of the main reasons why I'm in FMT and on this forum - hope he's having a deserved break!🙂
Cable on it's way up on longer t/fs for sure. Just hope our FMT stops handle any blips. Covered my back on the dailies hopefully for this week.


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No need to apologise, probably the way I wrote it that misled you - just to confirm WA is in my view the sage of the forum, whose postings I've always found to be spot-on and one of the main reasons why I'm in FMT and on this forum - hope he's having a deserved break!🙂

Couldn't agree more, he is rock solid in his approach to FMT, he always stipulated that we need to be patient, and he is right, look how it has turned around lately. 👍
The 7.45 entry time looked like a great call for those that had it live, as Hammy usually does, I only run it on my demo.
For some reason, my Alpari-US account running on their VPS, has not taken the trade today OR yesterday. My demo account on CitiFX did. Anyone else with this issue?
It's funny I never used to get the occasional emails Mark would send out to subscribers but I did get the last 2 recommending another system.

Step right up, only 749 left, hurry, hurry, hurry you must buy before the 1st of June or miss out on this amazing deal and you will be kicking yourself.
It's funny I never used to get the occasional emails Mark would send out to subscribers but I did get the last 2 recommending another system.

Step right up, only 749 left, hurry, hurry, hurry you must buy before the 1st of June or miss out on this amazing deal and you will be kicking yourself.

Affiliate marketing. Most vendors seem to do it as they can't be making enough trading. It's part of their business, but I would say "Buyer beware!" .

You make me sick, you did not have a problem when “wisea…” tore into this Veteran member “megamuel” when he made a simple a honest remark about FMT performance and was taken apart by wiseambitions because his comments show different view and actually are results which are true, and even Mark had to come to this forum and make a comment about FMT results ,after not posting here in over 4 months.

You better hope wiseambitions does not stop to fast or you my have a “rear end view”. Grow up if people here do not follow or bow down to views that are “after the fact” reports then you get all upset what a ‘Bonker” you turned out to be,

You poor soul Too Sexy, give these guys a call, remember help as always at hand, you are not alone. We are all behind you at FMT ........ hope you get better soon 🙂
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FMT for me this morning, Forex.Com-UK, (45-35-25-5) except 6:45

I decided at 5:30 London time to turn off FMT, because of over-buy position on charts, didn't look good to me. This is very rare for me, I don't usually do this or recommend this. I was happy to have a 100 pip profit for the week.

total today +0 pips..

weekly total +100 pips...

cheers !