ForexMorningTrade System

I can no longer view my account online at work! can anyone tell me what happened after 8am? I was in for BE +5 or TP +38....short entry at 1.XX66. Did it hit 1.XX61 or 1.XX28 first?

Also, any suggestions where I can view currency markets???
I can no longer view my account online at work! can anyone tell me what happened after 8am? I was in for BE +5 or TP +38....short entry at 1.XX66. Did it hit 1.XX61 or 1.XX28 first?

Also, any suggestions where I can view currency markets???

7:45 candle reached a low of 1.6132. 10 am candle reached a high of 1.6197. My guess is you just missed TP.

And at the moment, it looks like Prorealtime are offering real time data for free for 5 months

Regards , Chris
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06:15 (live accounts -- EA entry)
45/35/25/5 ---- +5 Alpari Uk (very close and very annoying but thats trading)
40/30/25/5 -----+30 Think Fx

06:30 (live account --- Manual entry)
40/10 ---------- +10 SLM


Monday on SLM trade was instant (1 sec) on the EA and another trade I set Tuesday (not FMT) was also instant (1 sec) I thought they had removed that software (I heard they closed down early last Friday evening for "repairs") but today - back to the usual delay, which cost me 2 pips again. In all the delays I've had last 4/5 weeks, not a single one has been in my favour. If the move is against me, it sets 2/3 pips away from opening of the candle, if the move is for me, it resets to the original opening price request.

Are you still having problems? If you are only trading manually, any difference between Monday and today?


Monday on SLM trade was instant (1 sec) on the EA and another trade I set Tuesday (not FMT) was also instant (1 sec) I thought they had removed that software (I heard they closed down early last Friday evening for "repairs") but today - back to the usual delay, which cost me 2 pips again. In all the delays I've had last 4/5 weeks, not a single one has been in my favour. If the move is against me, it sets 2/3 pips away from opening of the candle, if the move is for me, it resets to the original opening price request.

Are you still having problems? If you are only trading manually, any difference between Monday and today?


No Im not having problems executing my trades with SLM but yes, Im manually entering the trade a few seconds before open of 06:30 candle when its a clear signal. When its borderline, I wait for confirmation but as of last couple weeks my manual entries have been correct and no delays. There was a stage, when even manually entering, I was not getting correct fills but all seems fine now. I will not trade the EA on SLM but content to do the FMT Scalp of 10/40 on SLM and entering manually.
Just being lazy I guess jimpees. I will move when I have time to study the alternatives. For now 2 or 3 pips slip could just be the luck on the day really. It's when the platform goes off completely that I worry about. I have been thinking about thinkforex.

ok well good luck to you n all those battling on with SLM. I've been demo'ing think forex and only negative i can say so far is that their iphone app never works in 3G areas, only when on wifi = very annoying for me, but for some i guess who are lucky enough to sit at a desk all day that wouldn't be a problem.

If anyone's with a good broker with free VPS, working iphone app, and extremely EA friendly (!) i'd love to hear about it.
FMT for me this morning, Forex.Com-UK, (45-35-25-5) except 6:45

6:15, short signal, hit BE +5 pips
6:30, short signal, hit TP +35 pips
6:45, short signal, hit TP +25 pips (using 35-25-15-0)

total today +65 pips..

weekly total +65 pips.

cheers !
Since I can no longer view my account online at work (i.e. after 8am) I am now going to apply FMT with no BE+5 setting, as I am a manual user....

Does anybody know the (backtested) best 1:1 R:R settings to use? i.e. 38/38, 40/40, 50/50 etc...

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I hate to say this (especially as its got such a hyped up "yuck!" feel about it) but... i'm kind of interested, anyone with any knowledge on the issue like to throw in their opinion?
Since I can no longer view my account online at work (i.e. after 8am) I am now going to apply FMT with no BE+5 setting, as I am a manual user....

Does anybody know the (backtested) best 1:1 R:R settings to use? i.e. 38/38, 40/40, 50/50 etc...


sorry Andy I dont, but im pretty sure theres at least a few who will let you know shortly 🙂
Since I can no longer view my account online at work (i.e. after 8am) I am now going to apply FMT with no BE+5 setting, as I am a manual user....

Does anybody know the (backtested) best 1:1 R:R settings to use? i.e. 38/38, 40/40, 50/50 etc...


I also trade manually and set two trades off at 6.15.. the first being 28TP/40SL and the second being 35TP/40SL. I only started using this system a few weeks back so dont have any backtested data. Personally i'm running at a loss as i started when we hit a bad patch. I selected these two based on data posted by Wise as they seemed to work in the long term. I would also personally like to move to a 1:1 R:R but don't know if there if anyone who is tracking this apart from Wise who posts results for 40/40 which seems to perform well over long term. I don't like to use 40/40 as i often hear from forum members that TP was missed by a few pips. I wonder whether anyone is tracking 30/30?
Im currently tracking 30/30. started this 30/30 not long ago, too early to conclude.
used to trade EU with 20-25SL. Im feeling if the trade goes against me for 30pips, highly unlikely it'll reverse and hit my PT.
I have six accounts all on the same computer all with the same broker and I've got a no trade on 5 of them and a long on 1. I can't work this out. I'm running TMT on all accounts and initially thought one of the additional filters had caused a no trade but why would one of the accounts have opened one??
I have six accounts all on the same computer all with the same broker and I've got a no trade on 5 of them and a long on 1. I can't work this out. I'm running TMT on all accounts and initially thought one of the additional filters had caused a no trade but why would one of the accounts have opened one??

Hi Justin, from what I've discovered, the ADR filter relates to the amount of movement (lowest to highest) from about 12 midnight GMT(or so) to the time the trade is taken . I believe that if its over about 60 pips, it will cause a no trade. The movement today was pretty close to 60 pips, so either you have the ADR off in one of them, or its a quirk!
