ForexMorningTrade System

Ok, I have decided to start my own Journal thread so I may speak freely of my trading and progress. 😉

Good luck in your quest for success and the multitudes of ways to trade this great system.
As requested by DesertEagle last week, I have done a test on the Desert 615 Combo (see his spreadsheet above).
Method: FMT 4.3 at 6:15 UK only. Tick data @99%, From Jan 2010 to 29 Apr 2011
No trading on the following dates: 1 - 8 Jan 2010, 20 Dec 2010 to 7 Jan 2011.
Tests reset for time changes on 29 Mar and 1 Nov 2010 and 28 Mar 2011
With different settings for longs and shorts, this test was more complicated. I found a utility that improves the reporting aspect as well as data merges, and used it for this test. This will hopefully save me some steps in the future. However, not this time.....
The attached file gives the test screens and results in htm format, per MT4. Also, I'm showing a pic of the Report Manager's output, entitled "Merged.....". The advantage of this over my usual spreadsheets is that we have an MT4-type report on the total, merged results, which is very nice. But for this occasion, due to the separate reports for longs and shorts, we don't know exactly when or how or why the performance dip occurred in the chart to the right of centre, over a series of about 35 trades. (The Report Manager is showing the trades, but it does not allow me to copy them).
I will have a go at the spreadsheet again and see if I can merge them that way.
It will be a good way to double check on the ReportManager's accuracy also.

p.s. thanks for the words scoot


Good morning all,

am short at 6-15 Alpari UK, standard FMT and 6-30 FMT scalp.

Good luck to all and a great week please....
Have a heart! It's Monday morning! Short at 6.30. Not sure where Andy gets his NT from, it's not even close.

Well if He is trading ThinkFx I can verify its No Trade.
Alpari UK -- short
Think FX -- No trade but manually entered short due to confirmation on a few platforms.

SLM -- short (06:30) FMT scalp --- already a winner.
Well if He is trading ThinkFx I can verify its No Trade.
Alpari UK -- short
Think FX -- No trade but manually entered short due to confirmation on a few platforms.

SLM -- short (06:30) FMT scalp --- already a winner.


I'm still on SLM and very fast entry this morning. Did you notice a difference?
Due to price retracing, my data says anyone who had not taken a TP of less than about 25, which was the most and who has a Break Even reset at less than 25 will be out by now.

Sets 10tp and 20tp with 40sl . Profit taken
35/40 and 40/40 with BE @ 20. Draw due to BE reset and price returning to start point.
Subsequent to which price has taken a further tumble which might be good for those of us hanging in

I'm still on SLM and very fast entry this morning. Did you notice a difference?

I got a fill in 1 second this morning. Very good and right on the FMT opening price.

For interest I was doing some demo practice on Friday around 6.30pm GMT and SLM went offline for about an hour well before the US close.
+ 10 on the scalp, BE @ 20 +5 (+ 20 plus add 5) on standard
So total 15 this morning. Not stellar but a nice positive start to the week.

sorry for the erroneous post earlier!
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