ForexMorningTrade System

Dis Anyone at Alpari UK got today's trade?

I got no signal trade today, just checking if there is any problem with my ea since it has some custom extra code.

Thank you for your feedback and good weekend to you all.
06:15 Entries
45/35/25/5 , Alpari Uk, +35
40/30/25/5, Think Fx, -40
06:30 Entry
40/10, SLM NT

06:15 Entries
45/35/25/5 , Alpari Uk, +35
40/30/25/5, Think Fx, +30
06:30 Entry
40/10, SLM +10 (Only about another 20 in a row needed to Break even --- Ha Ha)
Dis Anyone at Alpari UK got today's trade?

I got no signal trade today, just checking if there is any problem with my ea since it has some custom extra code.

Thank you for your feedback and good weekend to you all.

EA opened trade fine for me today on Alpari UK Live account
Dis Anyone at Alpari UK got today's trade?

I got no signal trade today, just checking if there is any problem with my ea since it has some custom extra code.

Thank you for your feedback and good weekend to you all.

Alpari Uk demon long at 1.6342 06:15 on EA
A dogs life for sure! Would you let the open trade run over the week-end or close it out?

Well, the T/P is not so far...
I would prefer to close the trade today, but even if I don't get the T/P in a few hours, I think I'm going to let it work all the week-end long...
We'll see.
May 20th

Fast FMT: +10

FMT: +40

EFMT: +38

Total: Fast FMT -70 pips, -62 pips, EFMT 0 pips

finally a good day... the ones that stayed are happy today :clap:
Dis Anyone at Alpari UK got today's trade?

I got no signal trade today, just checking if there is any problem with my ea since it has some custom extra code.

Thank you for your feedback and good weekend to you all.


My terminal froze at 6-15, could not even open the EA to see if anything was wrong. Closed and re-opened MT4 and it took the 6-15 signal at 6-19.

Was the first instance of trouble in several years with Alpari so I will forgive them this time as no harm done
Well, the T/P is not so far...
I would prefer to close the trade today, but even if I don't get the T/P in a few hours, I think I'm going to let it work all the week-end long...
We'll see.

There are a few potential problems with leaving a trade open over the weekend

1) Right at the close of NY session there can be a spike due to book squaring. Could stop you out the wrong side
2) Trades left overnight accrue interest on the leveraged value
3) At the start of Sunday night/Monday morning in the far east there can be some crazy spikes before trade gets properly going
4) It can leave you kinda nervous all the weekend.

I wouldn't want to do it any more, although the FMT rules don't say close out any trades after a certain time period
Alpari Uk demon long at 1.6342 06:15 on EA
Just Checked, my VPS service was down until 9:48 =(

BE yesterday because of my personal rules (that was not an london breakout trade at all so I got out asap) and no trade today because of vps connection.

Let's hope that the next week makes up for it 🙂 :smart:

Thank you for your help 😉
There are a few potential problems with leaving a trade open over the weekend

1) Right at the close of NY session there can be a spike due to book squaring. Could stop you out the wrong side
2) Trades left overnight accrue interest on the leveraged value
3) At the start of Sunday night/Monday morning in the far east there can be some crazy spikes before trade gets properly going
4) It can leave you kinda nervous all the weekend.

I wouldn't want to do it any more, although the FMT rules don't say close out any trades after a certain time period

....There could also be major news over the weekend causing big gaps and potentially losing more than your SL...
+ 5 today, total since starting on 27/04/11 -190
7 losses
2 full wins
3 +5 wins
using 40/40/20/5

Things need to turn around before the usually poor summer months get here.
There are a few potential problems with leaving a trade open over the weekend

1) Right at the close of NY session there can be a spike due to book squaring. Could stop you out the wrong side
2) Trades left overnight accrue interest on the leveraged value
3) At the start of Sunday night/Monday morning in the far east there can be some crazy spikes before trade gets properly going
4) It can leave you kinda nervous all the weekend.

I wouldn't want to do it any more, although the FMT rules don't say close out any trades after a certain time period

Ok, thanks for the advice.
It may be a good idea to close that as soon as I can, so.
Someone started the discussion this morning about trades that don't close before the end of a day.

Funnily enough this is one of those days, with my observation of the 40/40 set. According to my start price at 06.15 that one would have missed TP by 1 to 2 pips earlier today, it also avoided SL so far, and has bobbed about all over the place ever since. After NY open it looked a teaser again, rising to within 10 of TP but alas the price has retraced once more. If one had reset to BE at 20 then that trade would have been knocked out mid morning, as was 43tp/65sl/BE@20.
40/40 is therefore just a lottery today. If it had gone anywhere I would have put up a comparison of the performance of FMT recommended sets series 1 2 and 3, and may do so over the weekend if we have an outcome for the 40/40. Fortunately I am not trading that setting ATM
FMT for me this morning, (45-35-25-5) broker

6:15 start, buy signal, hit TP +35 pips
6:30 start, buy signal, hit TP +35 pips
6:45 start, buy signal, hit TP +18 pips (half lots)

total today, +88 pips..

total this week -63 pips.

have a great weekend folks !..
Ah well, 40/40 bit the dust, spectacularly in the last few minutes. Missed TP by between 1 and 2 and hit SL. This shows just how sensitive to minor changes all these statistics are in forward testing.

Results of the last 10 trades in treacherous conditions:
(It's a case of which set lost the least, then arguably which set is capable of fastest recovery and can it possibly be one with just 10tp?).

10/40 -100
35/45/BE+5@25 -110
43/65/BE@20 -174
28/40 no BE -196
35/40/BE@20 -205
40/40 no BE -240

Results of the last 12 months on a rolling basis
40/40 +1680
28/40 +1668
43/65/BE@20 (Deserteagle v1) +1598
35/40/BE@20 +1520
10/40 +1180

Better luck is on the way, have a great weekend

Funnily enough I have noticed that the sets which performed best over 12 months are almost a mirror image of the results of the last 10 trades. Possibly the message from this is that the more aggressive TP/SL settings have suffered the most in the difficult conditions recently experienced, but have done best in the long run taking the rough with the smooth. For those of us who invest in equities and other such volatile investments there is nothing unusual about this observation
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Very Disappointed

Well I started trading FMT on a small account (£300) about 6/7 months ago with the hope of adding more funds when I was confident of the systems performance. 109 trades later and I am back where I started. I wasn't expecting a get rich quick thing but something that had a positive expectancy would have been nice! I suspect everyone else is in the same boat. Most of the myfxbook pages for FMT are equally as bad. Maybe it's time to call it a day for FMT?


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Re: Very Disappointed

Well I started trading FMT on a small account (£300) about 6/7 months ago with the hope of adding more funds when I was confident of the systems performance. 109 trades later and I am back where I started. I wasn't expecting a get rich quick thing but something that had a positive expectancy would have been nice! I suspect everyone else is in the same boat. Most of the myfxbook pages for FMT are equally as bad. Maybe it's time to call it a day for FMT?

I thought you'd already said this earlier today. And it's a free world, everybody is at liberty to change their trading plans, and if you want to quit FMT that is your prerogative. Saying what you say won't unrest those of us who are making money from the system, nor will it close the forum nor will it stop the system being promoted.
Sorry if it's not working for you, but if that's the case all you have to do is go and find something better.
And if you find it by all means tell us all about it. 🙂
Re: Very Disappointed

Well I started trading FMT on a small account (£300) about 6/7 months ago with the hope of adding more funds when I was confident of the systems performance. 109 trades later and I am back where I started. I wasn't expecting a get rich quick thing but something that had a positive expectancy would have been nice! I suspect everyone else is in the same boat. Most of the myfxbook pages for FMT are equally as bad. Maybe it's time to call it a day for FMT?

You should plan all this before trading your system. Imagine you have a portfolio of systems. You'd control your systems by planning in advance when to pull the plug. If you've done that, then good on you, stick to your plan - but remember it's your plan and not anyone else's so (a) they won't appreciate your plan and (b) they shouldn't affect your execution of your plan with tips, hints, advice, praise, abuse whatever.
Ah well, 40/40 bit the dust, spectacularly in the last few minutes. Missed TP by between 1 and 2 and hit SL. This shows just how sensitive to minor changes all these statistics are in forward testing.

Results of the last 10 trades in treacherous conditions:
(It's a case of which set lost the least, then arguably which set is capable of fastest recovery and can it possibly be one with just 10tp?).

10/40 -100
35/45/BE+5@25 -110
43/65/BE@20 -174
28/40 no BE -196
35/40/BE@20 -205
40/40 no BE -240

Results of the last 12 months on a rolling basis
40/40 +1680
28/40 +1668
43/65/BE@20 (Deserteagle v1) +1598
35/40/BE@20 +1520
10/40 +1180

Better luck is on the way, have a great weekend

Funnily enough I have noticed that the sets which performed best over 12 months are almost a mirror image of the results of the last 10 trades. Possibly the message from this is that the more aggressive TP/SL settings have suffered the most in the difficult conditions recently experienced, but have done best in the long run taking the rough with the smooth. For those of us who invest in equities and other such volatile investments there is nothing unusual about this observation

Funnily enough my variation of FMT enters at 6 if it can and with 40/40, I exited at the high of the day, to my relief after this string of losses.

Regarding the indicators, looking at the chart and where the indicators are, they are both at really low levels where we look for signals, compared to later on once big moves occur. It's a bit like listening to the market with a stethoscope to try to detect what it's saying, when normally it's blaring out at audible volume. I get the impression that not much goes on at this time of day in the market, and the slightest puff of wind or the sound of a pin dropping can knock the meter reading off true.

It makes me think the reason for this drawdown is probably visible in the data somewhere - maybe in volume or times and sales if we could only see it in forex.