ForexMorningTrade System

Did your dodgy dealer behave today or still problems ?🙂

Sorry Pod, I did it manually. I wouldn't trust them anymore. I am going over to IG after this week. Just need to get the money moved. I've been with IG for 5 years and flirted with others but aleways seem to come back! I will be sad to lose the EA but the heartache it releaves is nothing compared with the stress and anger SLM offer instead!
WOW...Spoke to soon!!
06:30 entry was 1min05sec late. In at 1.63499 instead of 1.63552.
See you later SLM. I will be setting up an account with Alpari UK today for EA's and manual trading with IG
Sorry Pod, I did it manually. I wouldn't trust them anymore. I am going over to IG after this week. Just need to get the money moved. I've been with IG for 5 years and flirted with others but aleways seem to come back! I will be sad to lose the EA but the heartache it releaves is nothing compared with the stress and anger SLM offer instead!

Still same problems with SLM here. I am still at 6.30 and delays have been shorter than the ones at 6.15. But about 20 seconds delay this morning cost 4.6 pips. candle closed at 1.63556 but entry at 1.63510. Its a joke!

WOW...Spoke to soon!!
06:30 entry was 1min05sec late. In at 1.63499 instead of 1.63552.
See you later SLM. I will be setting up an account with Alpari UK today for EA's and manual trading with IG

Hey, what does everyone think of Alpari? I have used them (still have an account I think?) but I didn't like the slow process to get your money out? Has that improved?
Im thinking the solution for us living here in the UK is to open an account with IG Index and trade manually. Ofcourse its not always possible for everyone but if you can -- just use the signals and trade manually. Use the 10/40 strategy where we dont use Break even ( cause we cant use the EA as there is no MT4)

Move majority of funds to a broker that seems to be more reliable (Think Fx or Alpari UK) to trade the standard FMT and only when you are starting to earn more than 10K per year worry about Tax implications. Who knows by the time you need to start seriously considering TAX implications:
1)perhaps SLM has sorted its Sh1te out
2)perhaps more brokers have gone the route of SLM and offer MT4 spread betting
3)perhaps tax laws in the country have changed.

If you married, then I suppose as one grows an account, a second could be opened in your wife's name instead of yours thereby allowing more tax free income into househould before worrying about paying tax.

By this time -- Your IG index account would probbaly be compounding like crazy, Which is all tax free anyway. Infact any no break even strategy, (10/40, 40/40, 28/40) could be used on the IG index and we could still benefit from tax free money.

Morning, Works fine for me with IG as I've been using them this way since January - I do have to get up at 6am though!! I enter manually (spread is 2/3 pips and then put my trailing stop in to get my BE+5 (on 35/45/25+5 you need to put step at 50 and distance at 20)
Hey, what does everyone think of Alpari? I have used them (still have an account I think?) but I didn't like the slow process to get your money out? Has that improved?
Hi, I have used Alpari for about 8 months now and no probs,same as IG.Have my bank transfer form filled ready to open live with SLM.After what I've being reading here, think i'm going to bin it.Thanks for the updates.
Short SLM, and 'only' a six second delay in entry today! In at 1.63547
Good Luck guys
I got the same price as you with SLM - usual problems Error 6 no connection with trade server, just lucky that 24 seconds later the price was still the same.

Having said that, I just opened an order manually on another platform at 06:30 and slipped 3 pips myself - hehe - out of practise.

The errors are not good, and the price did seem to freeze for a while compared to my other platform, but it could go either way. Some days it might work in our favour - just haven't noticed it yet.
I have a demo with SLM and initially it was fine. In the past week it seems to have lost its way. Never mind - 10 pips on IG this morning, manually
Just my tuppence worth. I trade manually with Gekko Spreads, with a spread of 2 on GBPUSD. I was very happy with them, as they gave me a % bonus for joining (last August). I think it was 25%. They have just increased their stop size to 17 pips (when you're in the trade), which is a pain with a BE strategy. I was toying with SLM, or Alpari, to use an EA, so I'm interested in all this SLM delay talk.

Good Luck all.
We're going to need a change in short term sentiment if this one's going to get to TP, signals all show us in BUY territory now 🙁
Im thinking the solution for us living here in the UK is to open an account with IG Index and trade manually. Ofcourse its not always possible for everyone but if you can -- just use the signals and trade manually. Use the 10/40 strategy where we dont use Break even ( cause we cant use the EA as there is no MT4)

Move majority of funds to a broker that seems to be more reliable (Think Fx or Alpari UK) to trade the standard FMT and only when you are starting to earn more than 10K per year worry about Tax implications. Who knows by the time you need to start seriously considering TAX implications:
1)perhaps SLM has sorted its Sh1te out
2)perhaps more brokers have gone the route of SLM and offer MT4 spread betting
3)perhaps tax laws in the country have changed.

If you married, then I suppose as one grows an account, a second could be opened in your wife's name instead of yours thereby allowing more tax free income into househould before worrying about paying tax.

By this time -- Your IG index account would probbaly be compounding like crazy, Which is all tax free anyway. Infact any no break even strategy, (10/40, 40/40, 28/40) could be used on the IG index and we could still benefit from tax free money.

Jashfx - Can you explain where this £10K tax limit comes from?

Jashfx - Can you explain where this £10K tax limit comes from?


Profits from FX trading fall under Capital Gains tax. And to the best of my knowledge, anything earned above 10k is taxable. However, your first 10k earned (per anum) is tax free.
Profits from FX trading fall under Capital Gains tax. And to the best of my knowledge, anything earned above 10k is taxable. However, your first 10k earned (per anum) is tax free.

Tell me, does this apply to spread betting also?
Tell me, does this apply to spread betting also?


In the UK spread betting on FX (although pretty much the same thing) is classified as gambling and gambling/betting/winning money from lottery etc, is all tax free, which is why so many of us have given SLM a crack (they are the only spreadbetting company that allows trading of MT4 platform).