Hi Brokerthanthou;
If you haven't read through the whole thread (I have), I would recommend a review of the following contributors. If you would read what they have said in the last couple of months, I think you will be up to speed:
wiseambitions, PipZombie, deserteagle, hammy66, and an excellent post at page 885, # 7070 by mike1booth. RedGuerilla also has weekly updates on various platforms he is either testing or trading on. Deserteagle's spreadsheets are a real help also, on his own variations. Those are off the top of my head, and I apologize if I've forgotten someone, and will add later. As mentioned many times before by several people, it's a question of finding the comfort zone and sticking with it. The only thing you can control in this game is your risk. Everything else is at the whim of the market, and can start biting us at any time. In backtesting, we are effectively "predicting the past", so we can't be too comfortable with that either - it's just another indicator, but a pretty good one if not taken too literally as a predictive tool.
Marc's results are bang on with the two data sources that I have; that's important to me, and his trades are a great place to start to get a good feel on what the days and weeks are like.
Let me know if you need technical help with anything. We can chat on skype if you wish.
Best to you.