ForexMorningTrade System

My first morning using SLM on demo only, but platform freezing intermittently,missed BE.Thought it may be an issue at my end glad to hear otherwise.

Chiprec Hi, when I spoke they said they would honour all missed targets due to the problems, so talk about your BE if this goes to SL? Chris
Sometimes you gotta watch what is happening and take an instant decision which can go wrong.

Today, I did not like the trade due to the 60 ema and the strong support from yesterdays session at 6105 ish also the perceived barrier at the round 6100. In my opinion, the trade was strangled, had no room to breath.

Anyway, I took the trade (automatically) but closed manually for 23.
Was, in hindsight, a good decision.

I would not recommend this as a general rule though. The EA would have given a BE.

Good luck to all....
My first morning using SLM on demo only, but platform freezing intermittently,missed BE.Thought it may be an issue at my end glad to hear otherwise.

Very strange. Just checked my accounts and no problem, both out at BE. 😕
.... and I'm out - SL hit.... but I trade manually and I missed the opportunity to set BE.... so normally I'd be BE
Very strange. Just checked my accounts and no problem, both out at BE. 😕


SLM data went down around 640am,the issue I had was I have not had EA's enabled on my account,doh

My error but all done now,that being said I didn't miss anything today anyway

Just a point for others that experience error 133 trade disable messages check you are enable ea's with your broker


SLM data went down around 640am,the issue I had was I have not had EA's enabled on my account,doh

My error but all done now,that being said I didn't miss anything today anyway

Just a point for others that experience error 133 trade disable messages check you are enable ea's with your broker


Glad it's sorted for you. 6.40 am way too early for me! 😴
Results of last 100 trades, which span Christmas. % of losing trades in brackets

Deserteagle 43/65/be@20 550 (18)
FMT 35tp/40/be@20 565 (27)
Old FMT 40/40 800 (40)
10/40 650 (7)
20/40 320 (28)
28/40 556 (33)

Amazing how the set with highest number of losing trades also gains highest number of pips (40tp/40sl)
Results of last 100 trades, which span Christmas. % of losing trades in brackets

Deserteagle 43/65/be@20 550 (18)
FMT 35tp/40/be@20 565 (27)
Old FMT 40/40 800 (40)
10/40 650 (7)
20/40 320 (28)
28/40 556 (33)

Hi wiseambitions
In your % of losing trades in brackets, did it take into consideration BEs? or was BEs excluded?

If BEs were excluded from the % of losing trades, then it would seem that 10/40 looked like it had the highest profit expectancy.
Hi wiseambitions
In your % of losing trades in brackets, did it take into consideration BEs? or was BEs excluded?

BE's were part of the 100% that did not lose, if you get my drift

FMT 35/40/BE had 47 wins 26 break evens and 27 losses

Depends what your KPIs are, if you just want pips for income, or if you're rolling up what you'd be more interested in is PF. drawdown, and payoff

SLM data went down around 640am,the issue I had was I have not had EA's enabled on my account,doh

My error but all done now,that being said I didn't miss anything today anyway

Just a point for others that experience error 133 trade disable messages check you are enable ea's with your broker


Thanks for the advice, i'm about to go live with SLM in next couple days, i think! might have to wait for things smooth over. Real big shame as their only Uk spreadbetting firm with MT4.


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I think a fair amount of sense has been discussed in between the usual banter and bickering and it's a great place to share ideas
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BE's were part of the 100% that did not lose, if you get my drift

FMT 35/40/BE had 47 wins 26 break evens and 27 losses

Depends what your KPIs are, if you just want pips for income, or if you're rolling up what you'd be more interested in is PF. drawdown, and payoff

Yep yr right, what i was looking at is the PF because if the expectancy is positive, the rest should take care of itself.

I'm just trying to see whats the best fit for me then i'd leave it alone.

Then again in all of the various settings, anyway you look at it, its pretty solid 🙂

anyway the 10/40 looks pretty interesting to me right now with such a high win rate.
Used standard FMT settings with Hammy66 timings on live Alpari UK account result today:
07:15 trade BE
07:30 trade BE
07:45 trade BE

Used Catfish settings (see #7525) with Hammy66 timings on a demo Alpari UK account result today:
07:15 trade LOSS
07:30 trade LOSS
07:45 trade LOSS

All times Alpari UK