ForexMorningTrade System

difficult one. Stochastics and MACD point upwards. 63hr EMA is below the price. Those are three bullish factors usually
Days like this a BE trade will be OK with me. I trade live account with both IBFX and and IBFX is long in the trade and had a NO TRADE for Just will let it play out.
Days like this a BE trade will be OK with me. I trade live account with both IBFX and and IBFX is long in the trade and had a NO TRADE for Just will let it play out.

If you are looking for a BE trade when we are just getting started, why not just not trade at all - that will guarantee you break even. 😆
stopped at 40sl drat

I thought I followed the rules properly to enter this trade, but it's one of those losers we get!
Testing Turbo, I received the following error: "Error:4051, invalid function parameter value, Error:4051, invalid". Any idea what I have set wrong?
Using IG advanced charts, the indicators don't match MT. So this morning MT was a trade (just), but IG was a NT.

Anyone any ideas why they are so different?

Because your data providers can't provide all the ticks in the forex market down the pipe to your platform, each different provider uses their own algorithm for tick filtering, throttling and time stamping.