ForexMorningTrade System

took 30 pips profit. Having decided to reduce target in December.
Having only traded 3 times this week, and not having reset to break even on Wednesday (which would have stopped me out) I have had 3 wins in a row and taken 90 pips off the table so I'm very pleased with FMT ths week

Good luck to all the other forum readers
"I have had 3 wins in a row and taken 90 pips off the table so I'm very pleased with FMT ths week"


I am going to stay with my 30TP and 40SL without using BE. Also setting up the trade and then walking away is meaning that there are no emotions getting in the way for me.

Glad to see kinder comments also!
My results for this week:
40TP-50SL-25BE: No trade, No trade, BE, 40, 40 (81 pips in total)
25TP-50SL-no BE: No trade, No trade, 25, 25, 25 (75 pips in total)

Another good week! 🙂
Since the purchase of FMT, I have had really good results and am completely satisfied. I've used quite a few systems and EA's, but I've never seen such a powerful and consistent system like this. Thanks Mark!

BTW this will be my last report on this forum, as I purchased TMT and will start trading with it from next week. 😉
My results for this week:
40TP-50SL-25BE: No trade, No trade, BE, 40, 40 (81 pips in total)
25TP-50SL-no BE: No trade, No trade, 25, 25, 25 (75 pips in total)

Another good week! 🙂
Since the purchase of FMT, I have had really good results and am completely satisfied. I've used quite a few systems and EA's, but I've never seen such a powerful and consistent system like this. Thanks Mark!

BTW this will be my last report on this forum, as I purchased TMT and will start trading with it from next week. 😉

Hi Fluegel,

I had the same results than you. I use the same settings, thanks a lot for that !!
Just 1 question, what is TMT ?

Thanks again,
I'm also considering opening 2 separate charts with FMT, but with one set to trade at 6:00 GMT and one at default 6:30 GMT. Might be interesting ..:-0

If you want to see how that set up works you can see my results.

The last 2 days were winners :clap: and the rest of the week either no trade or BE.

By the way, I have set Extended 2.0 to BE + 7 pips. This way, if the market reaches my set BE target of 20 pips then the SL will move to 0 + 7 pips. I'd rather get something then nothing at all.

Happy Holidays!! 🙂
If you want to see how that set up works you can see my results.

The last 2 days were winners :clap: and the rest of the week either no trade or BE.

By the way, I have set Extended 2.0 to BE + 7 pips. This way, if the market reaches my set BE target of 20 pips then the SL will move to 0 + 7 pips. I'd rather get something then nothing at all.

Happy Holidays!! 🙂
I see your trades from Dec 01,2010 just missed your BE +7 by 1 pip😛
If you want to see how that set up works you can see my results.

The last 2 days were winners :clap: and the rest of the week either no trade or BE.

By the way, I have set Extended 2.0 to BE + 7 pips. This way, if the market reaches my set BE target of 20 pips then the SL will move to 0 + 7 pips. I'd rather get something then nothing at all.

Happy Holidays!! 🙂

Hey tk, thanks for that !..😀

I notice you also trade at 6:15, is that better than 6:00 in your opinion ?
I like to have at least 30 minutes difference, although I know even 15 minutes can be enough of a difference some days.

happy holidays to you too ...:cheesy:
I see your trades from Dec 01,2010 just missed your BE +7 by 1 pip😛

Actually, Dec. 2 is when I added this feature to BE + 7 pips so yes, that would have been a 7 pip profit instead of 0. I hate to see all those pips go away if it goes to at least 20 pips in profit. 😉 Anything in history that says 0 would have been 7 pips had I put this feature in place. Oh well, we all learn, right? 😀
FMT today for me: buy trade hit TP=25, I lowered my TP when I saw the buy trade coming at resistance level ?...I'm a chicken !! Oh well, I'm happy with 25 pips, loked like SL for awhile ?

cheers !
Hey tk, thanks for that !..😀

I notice you also trade at 6:15, is that better than 6:00 in your opinion ?
I like to have at least 30 minutes difference, although I know even 15 minutes can be enough of a difference some days.

happy holidays to you too ...:cheesy:

Actually, I trade from 6:00 - 6:45. View my current settings here to keep up with my latest settings. Any time during this time, if the "stars" line up, it will trade. Soooo, for example, if the "stars" line up at 6:00, it will take a trade at 6:00. If they are not lined up, it will wait until 6:15. If still no, it will check again at 6:30 and so on through 6:45. If "stars" are lined up finally at 6:45 then a trade will kick in.
The Extended MT ea will open a trade anytime between 6:00 and 8:30, not just at a fixed time.

Turbo does the same thing but will partially close out a trade and go for a 2nd profit, with different exits of your choice. 78 + 70 pips this week with TMT. The difference here is the risk was 40 pips for each trade to earn double pips.
The Extended MT ea will open a trade anytime between 6:00 and 8:30, not just at a fixed time.

Turbo does the same thing but will partially close out a trade and go for a 2nd profit, with different exits of your choice. 78 + 70 pips this week with TMT. The difference here is the risk was 40 pips for each trade to earn double pips.

Slight correction. I now trade for 45 minutes 1:00- 1:45 eastern (or 6:00-6:45 your broker time). Turbo doesn't open a trade the same way because on my indicators, the parameters are very different. 😉
Actually, I trade from 6:00 - 6:45. View my current settings here to keep up with my latest settings. Any time during this time, if the "stars" line up, it will trade. Soooo, for example, if the "stars" line up at 6:00, it will take a trade at 6:00. If they are not lined up, it will wait until 6:15. If still no, it will check again at 6:30 and so on through 6:45. If "stars" are lined up finally at 6:45 then a trade will kick in.

hey tk, that's very clever ! ..:smart:

but I think you should rename your beast to "WatchDog"...:cheesy:😆

cheers !..🙂