ForexMorningTrade System

stopped out.
pity those who had 2 short trades. what a thanksgiving day. 🙂)))

Hmm, entry was 5757, SL=40 so stop is 5797, Alpari feed did not reach that so I am still in.
That said, no great hopes but then, as I said, let the EA do the work.

There is also mild resistence to teh updside at 5798 ish which might help
Not safe yet...
Let´s see if it does not taste the rl 1.5784 again and go up till sl.
Not good month this november...
I´m still in the trade but do not shure. Other ind. are heding north and the rest ....all of us can see
Good luck for traders still trading like me....
Hello Bludancer, long time ago..
Yes, I´m with you waiting to BE and close this hipervolatil trade.