ForexMorningTrade System

I agree with others that its not acceptable to promote an alternative commercial product for sale on this thread. It would also be good not to discuss results about any commercial alternatives on this thread which was set up primarily for Mark Fric's system.

Discussing free alternatives that can be used with Mark's original software is acceptable to me (eg Mark Wilson's discussion #4109/4112 about trading the swissy - having read the thread I can trade that if I choose without having to purchase anything more so that is helping the whole group to prosper. Likewise postings about backtesting or trading the other pairs using this software).

Presumably Travis's EA has some software changes that will mean the EA will work unattended on various times and this is the value that he is selling. Otherwise I can take his ideas which he has made available for free and look every 15 mins during the London open time to see if I get a signal. Thanks for that info Travis.

The only problem I see is that a commercial alternative is being promoted and discussed on this site. This amounts to stealing a client base. Someone at the beginning of Travis's 'exploitation' asked about the ethics and suggested that he come to an arrangement with Mark Fric. (Presumably like a royalty for every sale).

Those of us who have not purchased the alternative don't particularly want the thread dominated by people who want to tell us about their progress with software we don't have. Perhaps such discussions could be kept for Travis's own site now it is up and running. Anyone can join that site whether or not you have purchased the alternative software. Let's keep this site for discussion about the original FMT and variants this community can come up with using Mark Fric's software. At the same time postings (boastings?) about getting in or out of trades that the rest of us know about and presumably have taken are superfluous. All that does is broadcast Mark Fric's original system to those who don't want to pay the modest fee he requested.
What's it going to take to put this to bed? Is anyone progressing as a trader as we expand on ideas to increase profitability? Can logic be copyrighted? If the fast moving average is under the slow moving average, and the stochastic is above the 70 level, and the EA takes a short, can that be copyrighted???

Well, what if someone comes along and adds a MACD indication to the equation? The first one didn't factor in MACD. Don't buy the one without the MACD if you want the one WITH the MACD. Buy the "enhanced" one with the MACD.

If one determines entry at the close of one bar, and the other looks for entry over several bars, I can't have the one without the other IF I want the robot to have the ability to do BOTH. In other words, if you want a robot that determines entry on one bar, buy FMT. If you want a robot that allows entry over a several-bar period, buy FMT Extended. If you want both, BUY BOTH. What difference does it make if Travis had "named" it something altogether different. He hasn't hidden anything as this thing has developed. And if he had named it London Forex Rush Extended, the concept (logic) would have been the same, but the guy at that sight would have also probably tried to say that his strategy was to trade at the open of the London market. And if he had named it "Ye-Ole London Breakout Strategy Robot," no doubt we'd be having the same conversation. But he hasn't gone around anybody's back the whole time this has developed and has been upfront about its creation (and I only know of Travis what can be gleaned from reading this entire thread).

Earlier in this thread I had asked Travis exactly about that; what is the difference in your EA as compared with opening SEVERAL instances of Mark's EA to accomplish the same thing. So I was attempting to use my logic to deduce a thing, and Travis kindly answered.

Why should Travis not enjoy the fruit of his labor any more than Mark enjoy the fruit of his? If Mark's had the ability to scan several bars for a trade then Travis wouldn't have deduced what he did and "enhance" (if you will---some may say it's not an enhancement) the logic to trade over several bars.

And which one of them is the most unhappy with me, since I've purchased BOTH of them?

Sorry to ramble on so long. Nothing personal hammy66, just a post to latch my thoughts about this situation to. :|

I'm waiting for someone to tell me this thread isn't about the USDCHF, go create my own thread. But I'm not saying the bot should unequivocally trade the USDCHF.... Just looking at the possibilities.

Well let's not be silly. Of course code can be copyrighted. Programmers copyright their code which is usually original work. It's not just logic. It's their unique implementation of logic reflected in tested code.

There's a difference between programming a variation on a theme and decompiling someone else's commercial program. Surely you can see the difference? Most people who decompile a program will at least take the nameof the original programmer out of the code. Travis didn't. The copyright with Mark's name was there atthe top. But to his credit I don't think Travis started out planning to sell his tweaked version of Mark's ea. If he had he would have compiled it and taken Mark's name ut of the code.

That said let's not whitewash reality. How to end this discussion? Simple. Travis has already said he plans to post on his forum. It makes sense to discuss the extended version over there and Mark's version here.

Just my 2 cents
Hello Travis (tkbieber),

I think you crossed the line with this. I have nothing against talking about the new ideas, or even selling them, but on your site you stole my design and even the texts from my website and manual.
And I got the information from somebody who bought your EA that you didn't even write it by yourself, but decompiled mine and made your changes.
If this is not cheating, then I don't know what is.
I ordered your EA to check it out, I'm really curious if I'll also receive it.

The only think that your EA does is that it sometimes trades half an hour sooner, it has smaller PT and bigger SL, thus the risk reward ratio is worse.

If we'd trade FMT with PT=31 and SL=44, we'd get better results than standard settings this month.
BUT, this is only short term result. For every week you'll find settings that would work best for that particular week.
My long term testing shows these settings perform worse in the long term than the ones I recommend and trade.


Thanks Mark responding to this. It has been very distracting to the forum.👍
Hey, nothing wrong with discussing other settings for FMT. and whatever makes it better, but this is all about the FMT EA. Once you change it into a completely different EA with a different name, then it doesn't belong here on Mark's FMT thread ! Travis has recognized this and has enough class to agree to take it to his own forum for discussion by other users, bravo to Travis ! Let's keep discussion here to only FMT, including other pairs you want to trade FMT on, no problem with that !
No hard feelings toward anyone !!

cheers !
Sorry, but until you know the difference, tis not Mark's Idea. What would be the point of trading a different system if it were the same. You would just open 2 charts and set the time differently. What's the point of that. Please get the facts straight.

It was Mark who came up with the combination of the 2 indicators and the time and currency in which to use them. As far as I am concerned his idea has been stolen. But there are not many people on the internet with morals and integrity where money is concerned.
This whole idea of TK trying to sell his extended FMT on this thread and then collaborate with Marc - is kinda like a bank robber robbing a bank and then trying to negotiate with the bank manager about how they can work together to improve the security of people's savings.
Hi...just bought this ea and looking forward to using it, profitably. Nice to such a vigourously used forum, too, heh...
one question...many traders in forex lay off from late november to early jan...does mark have a view on this for his ea?
looking forward to this all...
Hello Travis (tkbieber),

I think you crossed the line with this. I have nothing against talking about the new ideas, or even selling them, but on your site you stole my design and even the texts from my website and manual.
And I got the information from somebody who bought your EA that you didn't even write it by yourself, but decompiled mine and made your changes.
If this is not cheating, then I don't know what is.
I ordered your EA to check it out, I'm really curious if I'll also receive it.

The only think that your EA does is that it sometimes trades half an hour sooner, it has smaller PT and bigger SL, thus the risk reward ratio is worse.

If we'd trade FMT with PT=31 and SL=44, we'd get better results than standard settings this month.
BUT, this is only short term result. For every week you'll find settings that would work best for that particular week.
My long term testing shows these settings perform worse in the long term than the ones I recommend and trade.


Hi Mark, just wanna congrats for your behaviour. Your System is great, i'm curious, how many copies has this fantastic system sold?
Best Regards
Hi...just bought this ea and looking forward to using it, profitably. Nice to such a vigourously used forum, too, heh...
one question...many traders in forex lay off from late november to early jan...does mark have a view on this for his ea?
looking forward to this all...

Welcome, I asked the same question and was pointed to the results page on the official website for this system. You can find it hear. The settings that we use with the system are a little different now compared to the results last year but at least you can make your own decision.


I have personally traded this system since the middle of September and it has been very profitable. I have three years experience as a trader, have been a trading apprentice for a company and I must say that this is the best system I have come accross. Enjoy!
i'd like to let you know that one of my friends started a chat group on skype dedicated to forex morning trade. If you want to join, send him a skype message to fx.ron
only for customers.

I'll be there online too from time to time, so we can commend the trades as they develop during the day.


updating for those interested

Welcome, I asked the same question and was pointed to the results page on the official website for this system. You can find it hear. The settings that we use with the system are a little different now compared to the results last year but at least you can make your own decision.


I have personally traded this system since the middle of September and it has been very profitable. I have three years experience as a trader, have been a trading apprentice for a company and I must say that this is the best system I have come accross. Enjoy!

Hey, Pip Zombie...thanks, very helpful...not sure how the different settings affect the ea, but perhaps will just trade very timidly til Jan...or demo only.

Glad your experience is so positive...
have just been trading forex live for a year, but am trying to assemble a stable of good eas...


