Jonesrp are you using the original 40 TP orthe revised 35 TP?
Hi Sandy...I use 32 TP.
Jonesrp are you using the original 40 TP orthe revised 35 TP?
I know you posted this question with a detail answer about the time frame were you back tested the FMT , at different time frames before and after the official start time.
So can you remind me again which post number has you response with the answer with the info so I can re-read it.
Never mind found it # 3485
I'm break even for the month too. But this is a long-term proposition, not a two weeks in November one. If you have an EA that wins every month, please share.
You just caught it in a bad week. You can see my results and see the little dip. No worries. 😉
Hi megamuel,be happy your at break even and not down,this system was sold with a profit target of 100pts(pips)a month,its a yearly target not weekly,have faith,i am on my 3 month and its doing what its supposed to and i manually trade it at least you get break even from time to time
cant you guys just PM him about the ea
Good idea, it saves taking up space here. 👍
It is also not advisable to reveal personal email address in a public forum.