ForexMorningTrade System

Hi Guys,

Hope you don`t mind me joining in. Purchased the system at the end of last week so very early days, also a non techie, so I will apologise in advance for all the stupid questions.

I am in the UK and am getting up at 6.15 to trade manually using IGIndex and FXPro demo account for the signals.

I understand that you can just use the 40/35 and let it run, but moving to b/e would slightly improve results, having to baby sit every trade to be able to move to b/e is OK at the moment but may not be soon.

I know nothing about EA`s being very new to FX, I have read that some people swear by them and some would never trust them.
Is anyone able to give me a EA for dummies run down on both sides of the argument please?

Also, it would be interesting to know what sort of length of time people have ben using the system and whether the results achieved are anywhere near what is suggested.

Thanks in advance.

Using Vps now...we had an earthquake here recently and quite a few aftershocks which knocked internet access around a bit. I now have this fully hands off . I`m not using 4.1 though.

Jonesrp are you using the original 40 TP orthe revised 35 TP?


Another BE for me. I'm not having much luck with this EA. Of all the trades where some have made TP and others haven't, I've been one of the ones who haven't. 11 trades so far and my account is still around break even 🙁
Another BE for me. I'm not having much luck with this EA. Of all the trades where some have made TP and others haven't, I've been one of the ones who haven't. 11 trades so far and my account is still around break even 🙁

You just caught it in a bad week. You can see my results and see the little dip. No worries. 😉
Another BE for me. I'm not having much luck with this EA. Of all the trades where some have made TP and others haven't, I've been one of the ones who haven't. 11 trades so far and my account is still around break even 🙁

I'm break even for the month too. But this is a long-term proposition, not a two weeks in November one. If you have an EA that wins every month, please share.
I don't find fair that a Pirate make advertising of an ea he had to crack to modify to after that retail it here.

This, unless, obviously, you pay tkbieber a fee to Mark. Unless, what you do is illlegal and should be sued. If yuo would share it for free, it could be discussable, as there is no mean of profit. But selling it for 50 usd, no no.

Mark, can you confirm wether or not you are receiving your fees for copyrights?
I don't find fair that a Pirate make advertising of an ea he had to crack to modify to after that retail it here.

This, unless, obviously, you pay tkbieber a fee to Mark. Unless, what you do is illlegal and should be sued. If yuo would share it for free, it could be discussable, as there is no mean of profit. But selling it for 50 usd, no no.

Mark, can you confirm wether or not you are receiving your fees for copyrights?

No "cracking" here. Is my own idea. If you don't like it, don't use it. 😱 The results speak for themselves. And yes, Zulutrade is FREE. 😱 🙄
Another BE for me. I'm not having much luck with this EA. Of all the trades where some have made TP and others haven't, I've been one of the ones who haven't. 11 trades so far and my account is still around break even 🙁

Hi megamuel,be happy your at break even and not down,this system was sold with a profit target of 100pts(pips)a month,its a yearly target not weekly,have faith,i am on my 3 month and its doing what its supposed to and i manually trade it at least you get break even from time to time
Hello. I was wondering if anyone has a broker comparison chart for FMT. Does it work the same with all brokers or are some better than others. If so, what are the recommended brokers?

Thank you.
No "cracking" here. Is my own idea. If you don't like it, don't use it. 😱 The results speak for themselves. And yes, Zulutrade is FREE. 😱 🙄


I know you posted this question with a detail answer about the time frame were you back tested the FMT , at different time frames before and after the official start time.

So can you remind me again which post number has you response with the answer with the info so I can re-read it.


Never mind found it # 3485
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FMT results, as per website,

January to October 2009 +1120
January to October 2010 +1870

seeing this year's results are about 70% better for those comparable 10 month periods, would anybody know whether the entry settings or TP & SL were changed at any time since Jan 2009 or was it entirely down to more favourable market conditions this year? (The only amendment to FMT I am aware of is the resetting of SL to BE upon reaching +24 which became recommended on the results journal from the start of Oct 2010)
I actually had a winning trade last night using the EA with IBFX broker. The 7:15 candle upward move missed my BE by one pip. So the trade was not taken out at BE and went on to full 35 pip profit hitting my target to the pip before heading down. I usually dont have good luck like this. Maybe I should go play the lottery.