ForexMorningTrade System

While we're waiting for the pound to drop today, any opinions about trading FMT on Nov 11 (US holiday), or on holidays in general?
While we're waiting for the pound to drop today, any opinions about trading FMT on Nov 11 (US holiday), or on holidays in general?

In my opinion: UK and US holidays we take a holiday ourselves. I have decided to trade the FMT on any day except UK and US holidays. But im also of the opinion we will see many No trades and BE trades. I dont let news releases interfere with this strategy but on holidays there is not much causing the market to move in any particular direction so i suppose if u skip them all its not going to have much influence on results over the course of the year.
closed with +33 pips. For FXDD i set the takeprofit to 33 pips instead of 35 pips because of the execution difference between FXDD and other brokers.
The 35 or 40 pips weren't there for long this morning - hardly a matter of minutes (unless the market dips again) and easily missed, but there to be taken by everybody who had filled in their exit orders.

The FMT signals were spot on again
While we're waiting for the pound to drop today, any opinions about trading FMT on Nov 11 (US holiday), or on holidays in general?

I never trade bank holidays - the market has less volume and is usually pretty sluggish - I enjoy the day off:clap:
Im still in this trade, missed out getting filled at 40 pips by 1 pip.

Ill give it one more chance...